~ Cloak and Dagger ~
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*Insert Video of The Palm Vanish Here*
The easiest, beginner way to vanish something, is to cover it up with something else.
What makes this method so effective is that our minds prioritize what we can see over what we can’t see. A great example of this was shown in a tale from Sherlock Holmes. In this story a man has been killed in his own home, leaving his dog alone, without a family, and his neighbors worried for their safety, and yet after countless different theories, nobody could figure out “whodunnit”. The police had interviewed witnesses, canvassed the area, and so much more. They took note of every little thing that was there, and paid attention to every word the witnesses had said, but they missed one key detail that Sherlock wouldn’t.
To test his theory, Sherlock went and broke into the victim’s house later on at night, and in that moment, he heard what he was looking for:
The dog barked at him.
Now, to the average person, this may seem insignificant, or even obvious, but in truth it cracked the case wide open. Why?
Because in all the testimonies, from all the people, not a single word was mentioned of the dog barking.
The dog DIDN’T BARK.
The killer knew the victim, and the dog knew the killer. Otherwise, all witnesses would have heard a clear sound during the murder: The sound of a dog barking to protect its owner. Sherlock noticed, before many readers, what wasn’t there.
This made for a great epiphany on the reader's part because the clue was right in front of them, staring you in the face, but we didn’t see it because we were too busy paying attention to what we could sense within the scene: what we could see, feel, hear, smell, touch… to the extent that we had completely forgotten to pay attention to what we couldn’t see, and what wasn’t there. It is the easy ability for the things that aren’t there to be covered by what is, that makes them so hard to find.
It’s child’s play to make faulty assumptions if we don’t have all the facts, and it takes no effort to miss many facts if we only pay attention to what’s right in front of us. If you only pay attention to half of what’s there, and not the half that isn’t, you’ll miss out on many of life’s great opportunities. Even in simple social matters, there are many ways that a cover up can blind you from the truth. We’ll be going over many of them within this chapter, and they’ll include the following:
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As of right now, many people have already lied to you and gotten away with it. Before we get into lies, though, we need to learn a bit about sleight of hand.
*Insert The larger action covers the smaller action video here**
This video actually explains a lot about human psychology. What makes cover ups so powerful is that they can be applied simply through having something of contrast to the item you want to hide. In this case, as was stated, the larger actions will always cover the smaller actions. This applies to our own psyche as well as everyone else’s (View Reaction Formations from Book 1), but it also applies to nearly all of our senses.
A clear example of this can be tested with just 3 bowls of water: the first bowl will be filled with rather hot water, but not burning, the middle bowl will be filled with room temperature water, and the last bowl will be filled with ice water. If you place your left hand into the hot water bowl at the same time as you put your right hand into the ice water bowl and keep them there for about 1 minute, then when you put them both into the room temperature bowl at the same time, something weird will happen:
Our brains will exaggerate the contrast. If your hand was in hot water, then it’ll feel like the room temperature water is cold. If your hand was in the cold water, then the room temperature water will feel at least warm, and so, if you put them in at the same time, at the end of the one minute, the one room temperature bowl of water will physically feel like it was somehow filled with two different temperatures.
How does this help magicians? Simple: If they want to cover something up, then we simply need to either find a contrasting item, or create a contrast through exaggerations, much like how reaction formations work (Again, see book 1)
But you’re not the only one who can cover up the truth. Others can lie to you using this technique, too, so how do we catch them? How do you catch a liar if they’re using unbeatable psychology?
Again, the answer is simple: don’t try to beat an unbeatable weapon, simply steal it, reverse it, and use it against them. If your liar wants to overcompensate, and exaggerate, in order to fool you, THEN LET THEM!!! Their use of a single strategy makes them predictable. That’s why I’ll be teaching you the nuances of these techniques, and teaching you all of them instead of just one or two. The more unpredictable your method, the more successful you’ll become.
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But before we teach you how to cover things up right, we need to teach you how to beat those who have covered them up wrong. Learn from the mistakes of others rather than simply learning from your own.
Well, if a liar wants to overcompensate more than an honest man does, then all we need to do, is open up ways for them to do just that, and if they go too far, we’ll know they’re lying. Oftentimes, we can do this in one, single, simple, step:
All you need to do is add onto their lie with a lie of your own.
For example: If you believe that another person was lying when they say “I was at *name*’s house.” You can simply lie and say “Oh, I heard they got a new dog, was he friendly?”
Now, if they’re a liar they’ll only have one of two options: Either they’ll go along with it and describe the dog (but there isn’t a dog, because you made it up) or they’ll show a bit of fear and concern, then start to talk about how there was no dog, but that won’t matter because you can just throw in another lie if you’re still not convinced.
This plays on the fact that liars will almost always tend to overcompensate because that’s what’s worked so well for them in the past. If they think your ignorance has given them an inch, then they won’t be able to help themselves, and will go a mile.
Another great tool for liars is to state your accusation as a simple, non-offensive question. I often recommend that you ask them if they “know anything.”
For example, if you have two kids and one is stealing cookies, to find out which one it is, simply talk to one of them and say the following in as calm and nonjudgmental a voice as possible:
”Someone seems to be taking cookies out of the cookie jar. They just keep going missing. Do you know what might have happened to them?”
A liar will overcompensate here, too. Because liars always feel a need to prove their own innocence, in a case like this they’ll immediately get defensive. They’ll reply “I did NOT take cookies from the jar. Why would you accuse me of something like that.”
But for them, there’s just… one problem…
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You simply asked them if they knew anything, not if they had done anything. There was no accusation. Even better yet, you ASKED THEM for advice. This type of question is designed to suggest your trust them and your need for their help. Not only were you telling them you don’t think they’re guilty, you also tell them that you trust in them enough to ask for their assistance in finding the real culprit. Yet, in this case, they’ll still overcompensate by defending their innocence when there was absolutely no need to do so under any “non-guilty” circumstances. Therefore, their act of attempting to prove their innocence means that they must be thinking about something guilty, and you’re not the one who put it there.
They did,
Because they know that they’re guilty.
That said, nothing in observing lies is for certain.
Now that we’ve learned how to unvanish items it’s time for your to learn how to how lie better in a world where overcompensating gets you caught.
There are 2 big things that get liars caught:
The first one is easy to fix. You simply stick to the truth as much as possible. The truth is always easier to keep track of than your imagination. Use this fact to keep your lies simple, and memorable to you, while having it remain forgettable to them. Yet, while lying with a mostly realistic story is easier, the real trick is simply to lie as little as possible. The smaller percentage the lie, the less likely it is to be investigated and questioned. If 50% of your story was a lie, then the have a 50% chance of continuing the conversation, and accidentally digging deeper, to a part the story that isn’t even real.
Now, if only 1% of the story is a lie, then 99% of the time, you won’t even have to defend yourself, because they won’t even question or think about the lie to begin with. By lying as little as possible, and this technique not only means that you can’t exaggerate easily, it also plays into the next problem of timing:
The longer a lie is kept in another person’s mind, the longer the span of time there is for you to get caught.
You MUST make your lies as mundane and forgettable as possible, and hidden within so many exciting truths that nobody would care to think about it anyways. Nobody can catch on to your crimes if nobody knows that a crime was committed. Nobody can catch your lies if nobody even knows you said anything at all.
One of the easiest ways to make a lie forgettable is to make it something that they want to believe, but that isn’t too grand or memorable.
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For example, my mother has always been… a rather condescending woman. This meant that she always liked treating me as a problem that she needed to solve. One day, I wanted to avoid going to school because there was an examine in my chemistry class (The one subject that I, pardon my language, but I absolutely fucking suck at!), and I wanted to buy myself some more time to study more during my “make up test”. But how would I sneak that by my mom?
Easy. I simply told her that my alarm went off, but I wa too tired and immature to get up after it rang and I accidentally feel asleep before my ride came. This meant that she got to say “Oh, boohoo. You’re such an immature baby. You really need to learn how to be more disciplined. Uh, the pains of being a mother. what am I to do with you?”
The next beautiful thing about this tactic is how simple it usually is to keep up the lie. As my mother went through how awful it was to have such a burdensome child like me, all I needed to do to keep the lie going was say “Yep.” “Uh-huh.” “Mhm”. “That’s true.” “You’re right”, and so on. Let the do all of the talking. Most of the time, they’ll make up a story for you, one that they want you to play along with. So do it. Play along. Even if they catch your lies in the later stages they’ll see it as either a form of flattery or sarcasm, but either way, they’ll be too caught up in your agreement to even remember that there could be doubt to your initial statement, at all. That said, lying to others is relatively easy, at least at first.
The second, bigger problem with secretive lies is this though:
You can also lie to yourself.
If you only ever look at what you do or say, you’ll completely lose track of what you don’t do or say. If you only pay attention to what you don’t do or say, you’ll lose track of what you do and so on. This is what allows for denial and the other forms of repression from Book 1, Menu 3: What Are You Now?.
It also creates several mental errors and logical blind spots. For example, when you do something foolish there is a tendency to use what’s called a “hindsight bias”, where, when we look back on things in hindsight, we tend to see ourselves in a much more positive light. We’ve all had that friend that, once they’ve been dumped by their partner, says “I never really loved them anyways.” Or “That bitch was crazy.” Even after spending years devoted to them and complimenting them to the same people to whom they now complain. This is because the emotions and intentions you have in the present moment are covering up the emotions and intentions you had in the past.
Again, more heightened senses will often block out the lesser senses due to the overwhelming nature of contrast. The emotions of the present (which are often far more physically visceral than the thoughts) will often blind you to the logic of both your past and future. This is why a depressed person may believe that things will never get better and a proud person believes that no more bad times will come. Their negative emotions of the day are so powerful as to cover up the alternate possibilities for their future.
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Another form of this is how we treat our assumptions about the human race. If you believe that all others are hostile towards you, it may be because you feel your own pain more than you can feel the pain of other’s. This illusion, of heightened focus, will cover up your ability to perceive another’s pain, and make it feel like the world is out to get you, and you alone. In short, too much potency in negative emotions can make people take things far too personally, or even become self-entitled. This is simply because their own pain and dissatisfaction is so powerful as to cover up the lives, and the importance of the comfort, of all those around them.
Keep in mind that oftentimes when a person directs their anger at you, it isn’t because you’re the actual cause. You are merely a reminder. Anger is often started by the frustrations of being overly limited and restrained from getting what you want. The very fact that they were able to take it out on you suggests that they don’t feel you have the power to limit them or their actions in the first place. In fact, it also suggests they don’t think you can punish them once those actions are done either. Some people are just hateful, not because of the world, but because of themselves. Sometimes, self-hatred is just too much to handle if directed at the only person responsible.
Even between friends, where one may suspect that things would be more personalized, and specifically involve one or both parties, there are still other factors at play. Consider, for instance, the person’s history. Perhaps what you’ve done has upset them, but is this the first time that such an action has occurred in their life? Many times, due to the very nature of limitations and the anger that often accompanies them, the first, second, or even third time of encountering this negative stimulus is not enough to make you visibly angry. Though, there are exceptions to this, such as if they are a highly neurotic person by nature.
Most likely though, they have a history of facing this action in the past. Now that you’ve committed it once more, it becomes either the last straw that makes them snap, or it’s used as a trigger that has been built up over the years to remind them of their weakness and makes them snap no matter who’s doing it, or when. Many times, your friend is upset at the pattern, not the person, or even the individual action itself. After all, if this anger didn’t have something to do with their internal history, and wasn’t correlated with them and their needs in some way, then why would they be friends with you to begin with, especially after whatever your first disagreement may be (Which we’ve all had with our real friends)? What would make a person want to keep working through problems with you if you, yourself, were the problem? Many times, their disagreements are about more than simply determining who’s right or wrong, but rather it has an extra layer (though vanished) of having a new, perhaps golden opportunity in their life, and so they fight like hell. Their fight with you is considered, in some sense, to be a chance at overcoming a long history of being unable to beat the pattern that your action has added to and now represents. After all, as I’ve stated, anger or rage is often created through your own feelings, of self-doubts, and your fear of inadequacy or set limitations, than by the external source that reminds you of them. Reminders are not always the same as the causes that they remind you of.
Friendship is about overcoming obstacles together. Though some patterns hurt more than others, such as betrayal, and not all patterns need to be designed by happening specifically to you. For example, you may have developed a hatred for betrayal by hearing stories or by seeing your friend get cheated on, again, and again, and AGAIN. For problems like betrayal, we must also consider that the easiest way to break that pattern is to simply leave. Such histories and their reminders are what we often call “Deal breakers” or “red flags”. Sometimes, the only way to break a pattern, whether it was taught or experienced, is to abandon it.
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The truth is that, with the complex things in our nature, such as social skills and interactions, we often learn them from a young age by studying and mimicking our peers or authority figures. Without some history of results, whether studied from the outside, or experienced from within, determining whether an action is a catalyst for good or bad becomes nearly impossible. Even scientifically, we only have some much time in a day to create our often multi-minute long experiments (if not hours long). Though, perhaps that fear of impossible and uncertainty in social situations is what ticked you off, hm? Maybe you’re scared of your own inadequacies at being what we humans call “A social animal”, something that is by far an important ability to have when living among your fellow peers and mentors.
But in the end, what I’ll say is this: We all have a history that affects us, during every second of every day, and in everything that we do, including how we feel and who we feel it towards.
And this history, combined with the imagined future that it creates will often cover up a multitude of pleasures that you cannot see outside of your predetermined patterns and vision. Whether socially, intellectually or emotionally.
In the end, people who claim to love everything about themselves are either lying or delusional. What keeps life interesting is that there’s always more to do in terms of self improvement. Otherwise what reason would we have to do anything? If you’ve already reached the mountain top then the only place to go is down, and I don’t think anyone would keep moving if it meant risking their already perfect lives (Unless it wasn’t actually perfect, and they still had a flaw, such as “Ego” or “Vanity”.)
We all have those certain regrets that will last us a lifetime.
Listen. When I was young, I had a group of friends that I trusted deeply. One day, my family was moving and I was changing schools, but our district re-merged a few years later so we knew that we’d be seeing each other again when the time was right, and we had promised to stay friends until then.
The truth is though, that when that year rolled around where we were allowed to reunite, a lot of terrible things were occurring in my life.
My parents were in their second year of getting a divorce, and my dad is… a less than stable man, so that was a rather unpleasant experience. My grandma had just died as I was changing schools, and going through a large transition. I needed my friends more than ever, just as a shoulder to cry on or talk to, to relieve my agony. And so I went to them,
and then they either bullied me or ignored me.
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But this story of regret isn’t about them. It’s about me.
My flaws.
I noticed that one of them was missing, and it was the one I was the closest friends with, so I emailed her on an old email.
We talked for a bit, both of us venting our own personal angers.
I didn’t realize what was happening, but she grew distant.
But for me, being desperate and not thinking clearly, I thought it would be okay to call her home phone since she wasn’t responding to email. (Again, I was so focused on what I felt, and what she had said, that I completely lost track of what WASN’T happening. Her needs had vanishedfrom my mind.)
The phone was handed to her, and I laughed with joy at hearing her voice.
and then…
she cried.
With my autism, and in my desperation to make myself feel good, to feel alive again, I had accidentally turned into a threat; someone who inspired fear, not gratitude or loyalty.
I never contacted her again.
I never will.
And I will regret my stupidity and lack of tact until the day I die.
My friends, my faults may be bigger than yours. In fact, I feel rather certain that they are. But the point is not to compete. This is merely here to deliver a simple message: Not only is nobody perfect, but we are all also far, FAR, further away from it than we’d like to admit. Even the king of psychology and manipulation, such as I am considered today, has started off…
The best I can do is make sure that nobody else experiences the level of regrets I have, and so for starters, I want you to recognize the ones you’re developing today, and to design good paths for avoiding them in future. Unvanishing your older, more secret regrets may be difficult for now, but once you have learned all of the forms of vanishing, as well as the techniques to magically find something, you should be set to do that all on your own. Your brain has a tendency to protect you from your flaws by heightening your senses on one thing to distract you from another. The trick here is that, when you are feeling overwhelmed or highly emotional, even in a positive sense, it’s a sign that you need to start paying attention to not only what is felt strongly, but also what that feeling may be covering up using contrast.
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Here’s the fun part, since we know that contrast exaggerates itself in our minds, the trick to finding our life’s secret lessons is actually extremely simple:
When you feel that something is worth the least while a big emotion is going on, that heightened contrast actually suggests that it’s the thing you must pay attention to MOST. After all, your brain uses the contrast SPECIFICALLY to make your problems seem smaller. That’s how this vanish works. The smaller the lesson appears during times of high emotion, the more you need to look into it in your everyday life. I promise, the smallest things on your best or worst days are being hidden by your emotions. It’s being covered up by contrast.
Your emotions are distracting you.
But internal vanishes aren’t the only things we need to worry about. We also need to worry about the lies… of our friends. The problem in life isn’t just what others say to lie, or what you feel or think to hide your flaws. Sometimes, as with the dog, the biggest trick is to hear the criticisms that people Don’t say. Now, as a fake psychic, I’m about to go into some techniques for reading body language, from professionals, like, police and FBI profiling - that secret type of stuff.
This scientific study of human behavior is often called “Dark Psychology.” To be clear, dark psychology is not just a science about manipulating people, even though the title makes it sound that evil. The truth is that many psychologists may even call it inferior to their own work, as it is very rarely used by professionals in the psychological field. It’s a rare form of psychology that is usually left unstudied, and because of that I want to warn you of something before we dive in:
“Just because these techniques work, that does not mean the ones you find online will.”
I want to make this abundantly clear! Because Dark Psychology is a more secretive, and lesser known field, many of the things found online are inaccurate, missing key details, or flat out LIES that people are using to gain publicity. At the bottom of this page will be links to books on psychology that are either written by, or used by respected authority figures in related fields (Again, like cops, detectives, and professional interrogators from the FBI)
I could give loads of examples on people misleading you in these matters, but these books will help solidify what is real for you if you wish to buy them. Keep in mind, one of these books has a disclaimer attached as some of the studies were thought to be complete at the time but when expanded on had found several nuances that made the previous version either obsolete, or simply proved that there was more to the story. Again, it’s just one book in the shop, but this one is actually more about testing what you see in their body language. The body language things are more like footnotes and only about 2 sentences long, so almost 99% of the book is still good and should DEFINITELY be read if you live with manipulators or gaslighters in your area of work or even your personal life. It teaches ways to test them, and shut them down with clear proof of their manipulations; which was huge for me as I lived with a gaslighter for years.
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Now then, why am I talking about reading body language? It’s mainly because people’s smiles cover up a multitude of sins, and even virtues. So many people don’t want to tell us when they’re doubting, or when they have a criticism because they want us to be happy and feel that their thoughts will hurt us or limit us in some way. In order to be successful however, we need to be able to hear their criticisms most, as we can know that it really is designed to help if it’s coming from someone who only wishes us the best results, such as our friends and lovers.
And if their words aren’t going to tell us (If they aren’t going to bark) then we need to know what their silences mean, and how to get them to open up and explain what it is that needs changing.
So, here is a list of negative signs:
• Pursed Lips
• Shushing Behavior
• Toe Direction
• Barriers
• Crossed Arms (Often misunderstood)
• Blink Rate
We’ll start with:
• Pursed Lips.
Funny enough when in the middle of conversation many people aren’t actually watching wherethe sound is coming from. Far too many people only look at the eyes and upper face while talking, but in social situations the more information you take in before acting the more likely you are to have some chance of understanding others. So to start with, I suggest not letting the habit of seeing someone’s eyes cover up the ability to watch their mouth. Again, certain things of a higher intensity will cover up other options that are less intense, and so larger habits will often cover the smaller choices and information you can receive.
“The larger action covers this smaller action.”
But why do you need to watch someone’s whole face while having a conversation? Don’t they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul?
For the most part, yes, the eyes are an amazing indicator of how someone FEELS. I just find their mouth, elbows and feet to be better indicators of what they’re THINKING. In this case, when their lips are pursed, as though the bottom lip is being thinned and held inside by the upper lip, this suggests that they may be withholding information.
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This doesn’t always have to be a bad thing though. If you’re flirting with a girl and you make a particularly naughty joke, she may purse her lips, not because she wants to criticize you, but simply because she believes her response would have been “Inelegant” - if you know what I mean. My key point, and main reason for listing off this body language is to be used in all forms of conversation, though. The truth is that as a fake psychic I’ve seen more nice people that are misunderstood than genuine assholes. The truth is that in my experience, I haven’t found many people that want to hurt you. They just seem a bit too self-focused and desperate to keep themselves afloat in these hard times and end up so focused on what they’re doing for themselves that they have honestly forgotten it would hurt you, or had to choose between making you sad or risk dying.
With this in mind, many of the times, when you state your vision, how you’re going to accomplish it, or why you decided to pursue it, most people almost literally “bite their lip” to hold their criticisms and worries back. And this more subtle form of holding their tongue is to purse their lips. The saddest thing to a prideful person like myself in life is the fact that listening to painful criticism makes your life so much easier.
The truth is that what others don’t want to tell you about your dreams are often the things that you need to hear the most to get them done and live a good life. People who don’t notice that other’s are withholding that information end up with far slower, or even unachievable successes, simply because the feedback your friends are most unlikely to say are the things that will bring you to success more quickly. If you don’t learn how to spot a held tongue, your pursuit of your dream, even with all my magical tricks and cheats, will still take far longer than it has to.
The second detail of reading someone’s worries or complaints is what’s called
• Shushing Behavior.
This is pretty straight forward for us Americans. If someone puts a finger up to their lips it’s called “Shushing”, but usually it’s done consciously to tell another person to shut up and not ourselves. The truth is though, that we use it more often in an unconscious manner. We may put our hand over our mouth, put a pen up to it, rest our fingers on our bottom lip, or rest our fist on our chins.
In all these cases, what we’re really telling ourselves is “Shut up! Don’t say anything yet. Think before you speak.” Essentially, it’s all used to tell us the same things that we’d use it to tell someone else. This means that when someone shushes themselves, they’re either thinking deeply about what you’re saying, and want to make sure they take in every word and don’t interrupt, or they may be thinking of the best way to discuss their disagreement with you without hurting your feelings.
If they do the shushing behavior, you must be ready for them to stop and do a lip purse. To have thought things through, tell themselves to wait, and then decide it’s best not to tell you their thoughts. Their feedback will probably be pretty painful, and that’s exactly the type of feedback you’ll need most if you want to succeed where others have failed. Everyone who has failed while in your position has had one great fault: Their vanity. Vanity is a type of weakness. If you can take the type of doubts that others couldn’t, you'll become able to achieve the types of things that others can’t.
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The pain of doubts is the first ingredient in a powerful, but difficult recipe for satisfaction and reward.
But the pain we create for others can be a bad signal, and that’s why we’re including bad sign number 3:
• Toe Direction
Sometimes, your conviction in a project or even the project itself can start to affect your more serious relationships. If you start to seem too distant in terms of what your traits are from another person’s, if you’re appearing to become too different from them, they may start to feel like you are a threat to their vanity. Now, most people won’t hate you for this. In fact, they probably won’t even realize that what they’re feeling is envy or discomfort. What they’re more likely to do is assume that they’re feeling bored and have something better to do than listen to your successes (Of course, if you’re talking too much about anything, these signs will be there, too, since they will truly be bored. So make sure you’re not just pissing them off by being a braggart.)
There are two big indicators of where a person’s attention is:
Now most people know to control where their eyes are looking if they want to be polite, but their feet? Almost nobody remembers, or even thinks to control those. You see, we humans have a natural tendency, like many other animals, to face the direction of something we’re paying attention to, but shy people feel a need to hide this, so they do not aim their chest or face towards the items they’re watching, but rather they move their eyes while trying to keep the rest of the body in control.
Their chest, their hips, their head, they all face the same direction, but since turning the body entirely away from the item they’re watching would mean having to actually not watch it, they unconsciously leave one thing still facing them as a way to ensure that they can still observe:
Their feet.
So, if you’re talking with someone and their feet are pointed towards the door, it means they want to head out. Of course, people also have two feet, so if one is facing towards the door, and the other is facing you, it means that they are both important to them in the moment (Maybe they want you to leave with them, hmm?)
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Bonus Fact: When people’s legs are crossed, watch to see where their top foot’s toes are pointing (Unless they’re swinging it in circles by the ankle). The top foot in these instances reveal the direction of their focus much like how the direction of the toes from both feet would point to it from the ground.
One of the key traits that make confident people so charismatic is their ability to face their whole body towards what they’re paying attention to. If you’re boring them, they will entirely shift their body to talk to another person. This isn’t because they want to convince you of your insignificance. Far from it! They’re just so confident in themselves that they forget that the usual shyness in life doesn’t allow others to do that.
My point is, if every time you bring up your plans, your friend’s feet start to point in the other direction, it may be because they want to change subjects, or at least get away from the conversation, through abandoning you. This could be because of envy and their own insecurities in themselves, or it can be because they have an uncomfortable truth to tell you, such as their belief that there’s something crucial missing from your plan. If they want to change subjects every time you bring up your dreams, and show that by pointing their feet towards an exit, then, for both your sakes, you need to figure out why. (More info on how to accomplish that will be in book 3. In the meantime though, there is an excellent book on testing social hypotheses for you to buy Here as a way to tide you over.)
After determining if they want to leave, the only thing that I can offer you for now is to not let them go, and then look for the other signs of building discomfort, starting with:
• Barriers
If someone is very uncomfortable in a situation, and they see you as the cause of their discomfort, they will tend to place barriers between you and them. This includes anything from the subtlety of moving a cup from being on the side of their plate by their hand to the center of the table to establish a small wall between you, to something as blunt as placing their whole backpack on the table to look for something and then never putting it back on the floor, leaving a large bag between you and them.
One thing to keep in mind when testing for this is to never accidentally corner the other person. For example, if you’re going to test this with a friend while sitting at a table, make sure that they have more exits than you (by placing your back against the wall for example, so that they can back up but you can’t).
This way, they’ll still have a way to leave, but they’re still staying there because they care about you, and NOT because they’re scared of you. With that fact established and in place, not only will you not hurt your relationships, but you will also be able to establish that these barriers are more likely there to defend you from the truth than to defend them from you, yourself. They’re uncomfortable with what’s being said, not the person saying it. Now, before we move on from barriers, as an example of what I meant when warning you earlier about misinformation, I’d like to bring up a classic, but inaccurate example of barriers:
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• Crossed Arms
Many internet “professionals” will say that by placing their arms over their chest with both arms crossed that people are establishing an arm barrier. Others will claim that it’s a form of self-soothing behavior, but others will also call it a form of confidence (Though many of this type don’t exist anymore). The truth is however, that crossed arms have very little to do with how someone feels internally. Many of the things we do suggest something about us, and I’m sure that crossed arms could mean something to this person, but what it means just may not be universal to all people.
There are still details that can be noticed, how tightly they hold each arm (are they squeezing with tensed fists?). Are they repeating a sort of up and down action? (Most repetitive actions are done as a way to sooth our hearts and minds in any given situation. Just ask anyone with ADHD.).
I say this just to highlight how many people have no clue what they’re talking about on social media regarding REAL dark psychology, because it feels like you’ll waste a lot of time and hurt a lot of people if you go misassuming what’s on their minds at many different points in your life.
Again, To be clear, • Barriers are real. Arms being crossed is just not one of them. If someone crosses their arms while you’re explaining your dreams to them, do not immediately assume that they are angry with you, disappointed in you, or uncomfortable listening. Just ignore this pose and keep looking for the other psychological signs for how they’re feeling. Ignore the useless dribbles of wannabe psychics, because prejudice with the appearance of scientific backing is the worst kind of prejudice.
• Blink Rate
Now this is a fun one! Again, because I was born with autism my social skills were severely lacking in terms of if people were interested or not, but that’s where this gets good. This is the last item on the list, not because it is insignificant, but because I wanted to make sure that I kept the best one secret from anyone who isn’t willing to put in the time to read or listen.
Let me ask you this: How often do you blink in a minute, on average?
You don’t know, do you? There’s a scientific answer to this question, and the answer is revealed in the book The 6 Minute X-ray (Buy Here), but the truth is the exact number doesn’t matter in this context. What matters is that you don’t know the answer, because most people don’t go keeping track of how often they’re blinking during conversations. Do you know what that means? It means that they don’t have their guard up around it and so many people don’t go adding fake blinks or stopping real ones in order to hide what they’re really thinking.
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This is where it gets good for us less socially aware folks. You see, the less often someone blinks, the more interested they are in what’s going on at any given moment. Public speakers use this to great effect by watching how often their audience is blinking on average. This lets them know if they should continue going over that point, or move on to a more entertaining one. (This is also one of the reasons I was so scared to launch my site. I can’t read your eyes, your tone of voice, or anything else to know what parts are good or not.)
But there’s another fact to consider here as well. The more often people blink during your conversations about your dreams, the more likely it is that they find the topic boring. If your business ever seems boring when you’re trying to sell the idea of a start-up, you need to either fix the business or your communications skills because no matter how nice your product is, it doesn’t mean jack-shit if you don’t know how to sell it.
Again, you don’t need to count their average blink rate or anything. Just pay attention to the general feel of how often they’re blinking when having everyday conversations and then see how it changes when you start talking about your goals and aspirations. Did they start blinking less? Good. That means they’re interested. If they start blinking more, consider describing your vision using their specific archetype (We will be covering how to use magic to control the thoughts, ideas, emotions and actions of others, and so much more, in Book 3 once it is written. These lessons will include the 6 “archetypes” that encompass all types of prospective buyers and humanity as a whole.)
But negative body language isn’t always a bad thing to see. If you want someone to feel scared, seeing positive body language can be considered a real sign of danger.
When I was in high school, I was still socially awkward and so I used magic tricks to socialize. This had a lot of people trying to bully me. Emphasis on the “trying”.
One day, I walked up to a table of students and started showing them a magic trick - one where I’d have them think of any card in the deck, I’d then go through a pack of cards that had always been in my pocket, never performed within that entire day, only to reveal that only one card was flipped over in the pack,
Their. Imagined. Card. (There’s no sleight of hand for this trick. It’s simply a gimmick deck that can make any card seem like the only one that’s flipped over. ‘you can buy it here’)
Now then, body language:
While performing, a heckler shouted out “You can’t REALLY read minds” (No shit Sherlock…). I responded by laughing out loud and said, “I know, but that doesn’t mean I can’t influence them. This is more of a hypnosis trick than a magic trick.”
Now, as I’ve stated, this is a trick with a gimmick deck; no matter what card they pick it would work. I just brought up hypnosis to piss him off.
He ignored me and said “What card am I thinking of?”
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“I don’t know sir. I trick people into picking a specific card through subliminal messages. This is not a mind reading trick.”
“Alright then. Do it to me.”
“Okay, think of a card. You got one?”
I stared at him…
I leaned in…
and then I relaxed my body and eyes.
“Nah. Fuck this.” I said
“What. WHY?!?!” he demanded.
Now, let me ask you. My dear readers, what do you think I caught him doing?
I caught him being confident.
Let me walk you through this:
When I asked him if he had thought of a card, he ended up showing several signs of extremely confident body language. Now, in order to find the truest answers, I’ve already taught you everything you need to know in Menu 4 of Book 1, but I’ll walk you through it again here.
First, we start with Why we’re analyzing the situation to begin with. In this case, I was observing him to see how he may try to mess up my trick.
Next we create a full list of everything we know for certain (What we know). What I mean by “Know for certain” is the details we can sense with our five basic senses - sight, sound, smell, touch, even taste (though rarely). In this case, I heard him say that he had thought of a new card. and I saw him making more positive body language. I also saw and heard myself in the middle performing a magic trick on him.
Okay. Let’s make that a list:
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Okay, last step: In what way do all of these fit together WITHOUT any of them going unused, AND with the fewest added assumptions thrown into the mix?
Again, here’s an outline of what we have without as few assumptions as I could: A man who has already tried to outsmart me has now said that he thought of a new card when I asked him to, and became MORE confident while appearing to do what I asked as a performer who’s made it clear I’m trying to outsmart him back.
So let me ask you this: “Why would a man be MORE confident when doing what his opponent asks him to do?”
The Answer:
He wouldn’t.
Let’s get back to the story. Remember what I told him:
“Nah. Fuck this.” I said.
Him: “What? WHY?!?”
Of course, all this reading had happened in about a nanosecond, so he was especially shocked by the speed of my repsonse.
I leaned back confidentially, and said in a slow, casual tone, “You’re still thinking of the same card from earlier. I can’t force you to pick a new card if you’re not open to suggestion. My trick relies on me subliminally convincing you to pick my preselected card.”
Now he really started to freak out:
He sat up, as if he was going to jump out from his seat: “YOU CAN’T READ MY MIND!!!”
I lifted both hands, and shrugged with as much stoicism as I could muster.
“Was I wrong?”, I asked calmly.
I then explained my thought process as seen above, while explaining that he wouldn’t be confident if he was thinking of any other card, because this was the only way he had left to cheat - finishing with the line:
“I can’t read minds, but I can sure as hell read insecure assholes like you.”
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Needless to say, this made him the laughingstock of the whole table.
My point, dear readers, is that a person’s positive body language is created when the situation is positive, for them. The same is true of their negative body language. It will only be a reflection of how their situation is treating them, NOT how it is treating you.
With that said, if you have any people in your life that you believe may be envious of you, you may want to watch for when they show positive body language more than negative ones; or see if they secretly feel GOOD when bad things happen to you. The following are a list of some of the easiest signs of positivity and confidence for beginners to spot. Be sure to put up your guard if you’re seeing them in enemies or haters, as it may represent you standing on the edge of an abyss that you will never crawl back out from.
Positive Body Signs:
• Wider Body Language
• Asymmetrical
• Exposed Wrists, Genitals, Stomach, and Neck
• Closeness
• Circular or Larger Movements
• Wider Body Language
Most of the time, the more open and expanded a person is physically, the more confident they actually are. If a person is sitting in a chair with his elbows directly at his side, for example, then he’s probably less confident than a man who’s sitting with his elbows near the table, above it, or even on the table as a resting stance. Even when they go to reach for their drink, they will make as small of a gap as possible between where arm started and where it ended up.
With that in mind, I immediately knew something was up when I asked my opponent to think of a new card because when he said that he had thought of one, instead of keeping his elbows locked to his ribcage, he actually lifted up his hands and place them far away from the edge of the table, expanding his physical positioning outwards and forwards onto the table.
• Asymmetrical
Now, in my case with the magic trick, the heckler actually was quite symmetrical. This is one of the reasons I had to think through more assumptions to test before assuming that he was cheating. I also had to make sure that the rest of his body language added up as being confident as well so that the analysis itself wasn’t fueled by unnecessary assumptions.
You see, while Wider Body Language suggests confidence, Asymmetrical body language proves authenticity. In most cases, if a person is appearing confident, but is keeping their body completely symmetrical from left to right for an overly long time, it suggests that the confidence is a bluff and they’re actually insecure, or even terrified. Hence, the inclusion of it here. The more • Asymmetrical someone is while being confident, the more likely it is their confidence is real. Keep this in mind while trying to spot the real players from the frauds.
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• Exposed wrists, genitals, stomach, and neck
From an evolutionary perspective, this part of the lists makes sense. Your wrists, genitals, stomach, and neck are all areas where, if they were even slightly punctured, your life could be in serious danger. Most of the time, even if you’re decently secure, you won’t be leaving these as open to the public as when you are extremely confident in your situation at any given time. By exposing them, I simply mean allowing them to be clearly seen by the other people in the room (We’ll get to gentials in just a moment, since I know that one probably has you… a little confused). For example, a person giving a confident list of reasons why you should agree with them will often be getsuring with his palms facing up than someone who is insecure. Why?
Because by flipping their hands palm up they’re leaving the veins in their wrists completely exposed to be seen and attacked. The same is true for the neck; women who are more attracted to a guy than others will often expose the neck more when laughing, or when viewing you from the side. Marilyn Monroe perfected this stance in many of her movies as a way to show that she can be elegant and powerful, but still appreciate a good man in her life, which was required of a woman during her lifetime.
Now, “gentials” is an interesting one, but I’ll start with one of the more common examples:
This is when a man (usually pisses people off) by sitting with his knees so far apart that it’s hard for people to sit next to them. The main reason a man would sit like this is because he feels comfortable with where he is sitting and what situation he’s in. Truth be told, a lot of the hatred towards this pose probably comes more from envious people, than those who are bother by how another person is sitting. I mean, who cares how another person is sitting really?
That said, after the popularity of the joke against it, many insecure men will sit like this just to suggest their confidence. Best to test them through the symmetry of their upper body to see if they’re telling the truth. And for women, while they can go spreading their legs while wearing jeans or something, the more common form is for them to expose their stomach and places where their child would be during pregnancy.
The reversals for this body language is easy: A man will do what’s called a “Fig Leaf” where he puts both his hands and holds them together over his crotch, suggesting the protection of his “family jewels”, and a woman will often place a single arm over her stomach like you’d see a fancy waiter do in the movies. Both of these are signs of insecurity and a need to protect their vital organs and veins, which take place mainly, again, in their • Wrists, Gentials, Stomach, And Neck.
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• Closeness
The subtlety of this one is what makes it so powerful. Many people keep themselves at a set distance from you at all time on average. Some people will tend to stand closer to you than others. The closer someone stands to you on average the more attracted to you they are as a person. This is often talked about by dating coaches, but many miss the value of it in everyday conversation. The intimacy and therefore tension that is often created by people who are unsure of each other tends to make standing too close to each other unbearable. Now, when flirting, this tension may be used to fuel the attraction, but it’s also a source of discomfort for those who don’t trust you wholeheartedly yet.
Once you start to look around you’ll realize that friends tend to walk in packs, with so much rapport built among them that they’ll take all of their steps together in unison while others outside the pack take steps at a different rhythm. In short, it’s their confidence in YOU and their relationship with you that allows them to stand literally shoulder to shoulder with you. (Unless, again, they’re specifically intending to create discomfort as a sign of tension in romance).
Now, I’ve stated these while using enemies as examples, but I’d like to clarify while we’re on this topic that you must look for deception in everyone. Your blindness towards the true feelings of others has almost certainly allowed your friends to put up false fronts and hide their feeling when they’re hurting inside but don’t want to worry you. Never allow those closest to you to go through pain alone until you’re certain that’s what they want and not simply what they feel you need from them.
Okay, now that that’s settled, let’s move on to the next one.
• Circular Or Larger Movements
This is very similar to have wider and more expansive body language, but this applies to how a person moves widely rather than how they sit or stand still in expanded poses.
You see, there’s a secret to feeling confident for most people: Having control. The more control someone has the more confident they tend to be, so even in their facades, if they’re secretly insecure, they’ll most likely be trying to control as much as they can without making it clearly a power move. It’s this need for control that creates our next hint to someone’s real sense of security.
You see, when people are nervous they tend to try to complete actions in the most efficient way possible. Some do this by speeding up their actions nervously (A more obvious sign of anxiety) so that the actions take less time and are therefore “more efficient”. These types are easy to spot, but other, more secretive ones, will do something different. They’ll simply pay a deeper attention to their every move and motion.
They’ll move with such precision that they become near robotic, moving in straight lines of motion, not curved ones, and while traveling the minimum distance for each action, with no motion being spared for comfort. One clear example that many profilers suggest trying is that when there’s a cup of water on the table for the person you’re testing, to watch how they reach for it. The key that most people look for is to see how much attention the suspect pays to their hand while moving it. If a person becomes hyper focused on their hand while reaching for the cup, as if they feel like they might knock it over (A rather irrational thing to be thinking about, given how rarely that happens), the more insecure they’ll seem to be in the interrogation room. If they’re putting that much effort into picking up a cup, which is rather inconsequential, imagine how much effort they’re putting into the important things, such as their innocence, or their kindness towards you.
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This, again, goes to show most cover ups will overcompensate for what they’re trying to cover. Contrast is one of the most common cloaks to hide your items in for invisibility. But understand, contrast doesn’t just cover up human intentions. Your heightened focus on anything will limit your amount of focus on anything else, in any given situation.
Consider your attention like a type of currency. Let’s say you had $100 of attention to lend out. The more important something seems, the more money it’ll cost to you.
We’ll paint a picture with words in order to convey my meaning:
You’re in a classroom, your mind is wandering, and there are only these things in the classroom with you and your $100 of attention money:
Now, you can spend your attention currency in any way you see fit. You can pay attention to:
for a total of $95 being lended out, but that means you only have $5 of attention left and can’t afford to pay attention to your crush or your thoughts.
or you can pay $85 to pay attention to your crush, but then your brain will be too distracted to focus on anything else.
Now here’s the fun part: At the end of the class you won’t be paying attention to any of those things anymore and so your mental wallet will be filled with the usual $100 of attention again. The more often you lend money to an item, the less currency it’ll cost to pay attention to it or use it the next time around, because your brain comes to establish a sort of “deal” with the items. It becomes a situation where the item gives you a discount as a favor for all of the loyal attention you’ve lended to it over the years. Of course, you can choose to focus more on an item than is usually natural for you. This is kind of like giving it a very large tip to a very underpaid waiter, and doing that everyday, for years.
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The action of tipping something with focused attention in everyday life is what’s often called “practicing” and since you’re giving it more money than people usually would, the discount comes to you sooner, as the item feels you deserve it earlier based on the sheer quantity of attention you’ve given it, transforming it from something you need a lot of attention to accomplish, into something you barely need to think about at all. It basically does it for free now, no attention necessary. This is how habits, skills, and talents are born.
Now, as a magician, you can learn different ways to earn more attention currency. Master Mentalists (A form of magic) often have more than 10x the amount of attention currency you do. They have to have that much to be able to cold-read you with more speed than the average person (Psychically reading you, as it were), because the more facts they can pay attention to at once, the less assumptions they need to use when analyzing the situation. We’ve already seen how well that works up above with the heckler. It took like 0.5 seconds to do all of that thinking in my head because I was testing all of these things, on that list, AT ONCE, NOT one at a time.
This is a great use for my ADHD because ADHD swaps between many different thoughts, extremely rapidly. All I had to do was make sure that the time spent on each thought was SHORTER and FASTER than I was born to speed through with my ADHD, and then build up my attention currency to be set as high as possible. (Oh! And to be making sure that these random thoughts are placed into a set cycle, with my brain LOOPING through the thoughts, not bouncing around them without any pattern or rhythm).
It’s like the lights you see at fairs that blink one after another to look like they’re moving. If you get the lights to flicker fast enough, even if they’re all on at different times, our brains will only see them as if they were all on at once. Such is the power of speed. If I can “flicker” between thoughts rapidly enough, It’s essentially the same as having several thoughts at once.
ADHD is powerful, and they call it a disability. Oh, the stupidity of man and his “normality”.
But I digress,
My point, is that you can build up your attention wallet to have more currency at any given time.
You have 3 options in order to test the best paths to success in life more quickly and effieciently:
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Do you know the funniest part?
Choosing to pursue just one of these is the exact opposite of what I’ve been telling you to do throughout this chapter.
That list was a test to see if you’d choose only one or not - Did you pass it?
Your ability to see more options than others will make you a more capable magician in life, because when a person becomes able to see more than others can see, they become able to do more than others can do. So, do NOT let your mind vanish any items on any of these types of lists. This is the secret to quick and easy successes. Don’t let the idea of one option cover up the possibility of others. Pay attention to EVERYTHING because as great magicians, we use EVERYTHING at our disposal, not just some of it.
If you want, I can teach you how to accomplish any of these 3 forms in my coaching sessions, which is available for purchase on the last free page of any book. The coaching is much more expensive though, so be sure to consider only buying the rest of this site instead and looking elsewhere for different, more affordable options on how to accomplish these 3. Here are 2 exceptional books to help get you started (Keep in mind, my books can be rather expensive due to my personal needs, so buying these for a deeper look may be more cost effective if you’re interested in this specifically):
Atomic Habits by James Clear - https://a.co/d/bsd9bMN
The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle - https://a.co/d/cFIqGqY
(Also, feel free to click here, to and use the contact form for any book suggestions before purchasing our site.)
Remember, people aren’t the only ones whose appearances are deceiving. Lady Luck, Mother Nature, and Fate himself are all perfectly capable of appearing to feel one way towards you while treating you another.
And you can’t overpower reality itself.
The only way to beat this vast army of miracle makers is to outthink them, not to outweigh them.It takes planning and cunning to create your own miracles. People who don’t recognize the best path to their dream outcomes will end up wasting years of their time, and countless resources, on a success that they could’ve achieved by… simply cheating.
Since life is a co-op game, and not a competition, cheating doesn’t have to help only you. It can help our whole species, too. Just use it to help others rather than to hurt them. The only dangerous form of my techniques is those that are used in order to compete with another while using them. The poor sap won’t stand a chance, but that doesn’t mean that you’re more powerful than them. It simply means you’re more cunning. Alas, many others are using these to compete against you anyways, whether they realize it or not, so I feel a need to even the playing field…
That is my real plan.
Speaking of which…
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One of the worst forms of The Cloak and Dagger Method happens when you apply it to your plans for the future. Many of you have considered yourselves quite the successful bunch, but I’ve asked many “successful people” what they really wanted to do in life, both in the early stages of life, and in the later stages, and what I’ve found is that many people have never lived the life they wanted, because they were distracted by the life they’re living today.
So many people let their habits of today cover up the value of changing for tomorrow. There are few things as clear as the fact that you have a dream you prefer not to chase for fear of failing. One of the largest, most common forms I’ve seen people use to avoid the chase is to study the paths to achieving the dream, but never acting on them.
You have always had a choice between the comfort of how your life is and the satisfaction of what it could be. As we’ve already discussed, the largeness of emotions in the present will almost always make the concepts of the future seem… small… by comparison.
Or should I say “by contrast”.
Note me when I say this: The security you’re feeling now is coming to you at the cost of your freedom. The more you pursue comfort, the less you pursue progress, with the one glaring exception being when you transform that progress to success from a scary system, to a comfortable one. Being able to cheat at life isn’t just going to make attaining your dreams easier to everyone; for some of you, this may be the first step at making your dreams possible at all.
But the ease by which you achieve them is vital as well, so let’s clarify just one thing:
The better you plan, the easier you succeed,
But, the more you’re allowed to easily improvise, the better you’ll be able to act on such plans. BUT plans are often based on wording, and as a magician who’s writing this book, I can assure you that our language has its own forms of Cloak and Daggers.
And so, while brainstorming options for the future, in terms of plans, don't get caught focusing too heavily on the verbs of your systems and not enough on the nouns or adjectives. So many people say: “First, I’ll do this, then when that goes well, I’ll do this, and when that goes well, I’ll do this, and…”
Now, if you’re focusing on the verb of “doing something” then this looks fine, but there’s one glaring problem with this if you look at the adjectives. You’re only planning to act when things “Go well”.
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My friends, you don’t need a plan of action for when things go well because… well, because things are going well! If things are working out for you, just follow the flow and let the world take you to your destination. Unnecessary changes to a situation that’s already “going well” just mean taking the risk of your actions turning things bad. You only need a plan of action for when things are going HORRIBLY, because that’s when you’ll need to act to change it. My plans never follow such a simplistic mindset as doing things successfully.
In fact, I don’t even focus on the verbs or the adjectives. I tend to focus more heavily on the nouns. Most of the time this means focusing on the events that I want to happen and not if they “go well” or what I need “to do” to reach them. A clear example of this would be the seminars I gave so that I’d be taken seriously on the news. One of the most popular things that people congratulated me for was giving a speech at UMass Amherst in Massachusetts. It’s a pretty well known school across the country from what I’ve seen, so I decided to give my seminar there as soon as possible. You can even see that I have their logo posted up on my site as one of the colleges I gave a seminar at.
The magic trick to this?
Only 2 people showed up for the seminar. But again, I wasn’t focused on adjectives. I couldn’t have cared less whether the seminar went “great” or “horribly”. All that matters was that it happened.
Because the next event I was aiming for was owning it as a credential in order to sell myself as an expert. I needed a noun, called a credential. The next event was to be placed in a newspaper, using the credential I had from the event, that I got from paying for a room (noun), that I paid for with my money (noun) that I got from my minimum wage job (noun) (Job = noun. Money = noun. Room = noun) and so on…
When looking for the quickest success, you need to act fast and often, but NOT with the intent of trying to succeed at every action. The key to success is acting with the intent of finding something to respond to. While a successful person can’t “just wing it“, you also can’t predict the future with 100% accuracy either. The trick is to aim for certain markers or events to reach and see if they can affect you in some way. Because if the item is strong enough to affect you, then it’s probably strong enough to affect your other obstacles. So use whatever results you’ll receive as fuel towards your next event. In this way, all events can be seen as “going well.”
All I need in my plans is to reach events, make them happen, and then see how I should react to their results. Oftentimes, the reactions will be the same no matter the outcome. For example: Even if the UMass seminar didn’t go poorly, and I somehow ended up with 10,000 people attending my lecture, I still would have used it as a credential. And of course, if only two people showed up (as is what actually happened) I’d do the same thing anyways (which I did).
I only focus on What I need, not How or When, and of course, I do this in pursuit of the correct WHOs.
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Chances are that you’ve focused too much on one part of speech as your primary core of thought for quite sometime now. This often creates huge arguments out of what would usually be small disagreement between two people who focus on different pieces. For example, you may want to explore the world, but your friend is more focused on being comfortable at home. One of you is chasing verbs. The other is chasing adjectives, which can sometimes make your thought processes seem incompatible. In truth however, all either of you would need to do is find a way to incorporate both the verb that you want, with the adjective that they do.
Maybe you make sure to buy a suite in the fanciest hotel in another country. Maybe you could even schedule a few days of the time you’re there to just relax and watch TV while at said hotel. You’ll still be able to explore (a verb) the world while they remain comfortable (an adjective), and you do this by changing the hotel (a noun). Far too often, people get so focused on the adjectives of others that they forget to check the role (noun) that they’re playing in life. This limits the resources that you can ally yourself with while trying to achieve certain goals.
There was once a time where a classmate of mine ended up in juvy for some unknown reason. Now, with no respect to him, the police officers walked him out to the police car right in front of a whole cafeteria of his peers, where the whole front wall was made of clear windows. Everybody knew about it, because we were all there to witness it. Now, from that day on rumors started to spread. It started with people claiming that he threatened a teacher, then that he grabbed a teacher, then that he grabbed a teacher’s breasts, then that he assaulted her, then that he sexually assaulted her, then that he was holding a pencil with the intent to stab her, and on, and on, and on.
Needless to say, when he came back to be our classmate the next year, people weren’t too sure how to act. They saw him as “Dangerous”, “Threatening”, “Scary”, and the like.
And he was.
He WAS dangerous, threatening, and scary. During his time in juvy he had gained considerable muscle mass and was pissed off enough about his situation to always have a scowl on his face. But I saw something no one else did. While he was dangerous, while he was threatening and scary, while his adjective pushed others away, his roles granted me an opportunity.
He was an outcast, and yet a classmate. So I walked up to him and his empty table, sat down, had him look at me while clearly pissed off, and I said:
“Do you know what kind of rumors are being spread around about you right now? Cause they’re not pretty.”
Now, it was at about this point that he looked like he was gonna punch me right in the throat.
“They started off by saying that you threatened a teacher, then it spiraled into…” And I went through THE WHOLE DAMN LIST.
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“Why are you telling me this?” He asked.
“Well, If I was in your position, I’d want to know what I was up against. Personally, I take stupid rumors with a grain of salt, but others seem gullible enough to take it seriously… That’s probably why you’re sitting alone right now and not with friends. But if you need anything, just let me know.”
And from that point on, he’d try to talk with me about all sorts of manly stuff. Stuff that, as a nerd, I knew nothing about, but he still found a way to make it work with me and his new group of big buff buddies. (For example, one time they were talking about some super fancy car, talking about “thermo-whatevers” and “Nitro-Whozits”, but when I said I had no fucking clue what any of it meant, he simply asked if I liked the color, or played some audio of the engine and asked if I thought it sounded badass. Essentially, I had a new group of bodyguards that’ve kicked anyone’s ass if they touched a hair on my head, and all because I focused on the noun (his roles) when everyone was too focused on the adjectives. Don’t let one type of wording cover up the other forms.
Again, I offer some rather expensive coaching, but in it I can help you rewrite any thoughts (Limiting-beliefs from yourself, the arguments your opponents are trying to use, etc) using the 7 rewrites that psychics apply to reassess their incorrect predictions without getting caught.
One of the dumbest ways I see people plan is by trying to predict every move their opponent is going to make before they make them. While I’m all for bringing our fantasies to life (It is why I’m writing this site after all), We must acknowledge that while some things are possibile in principle, that they may not be possible yet. The key word is yet. Just because we haven’t found a way to correlate and causate every variable yet doesn’t mean that we won’t some day. That said, predicting the future is still not a possibility, for our lifetime.
I’m pretty good at the first few hands of rock paper scissors, but that has to do with understanding people’s psychology and tricking them into picking the hand I want on the first throw. It’s about psychological understanding, and controlling the variables, NOT predicting them. By limiting the variables most at play, I can determine the future more clearly. This is due to what is called “The Pareto Distribution”. In short, a man named Pareto (I know, shocking) discovered that in most larger and more successful countries, 20% of the population controls 80% of the wealth. In more recent years it’s been discovered that this distribution doesn’t just apply to creating wealth. It applies to creation, period. 20% of variables create 80% of the results in any creative process.
For example, 80% of points made in sports come from 20% of offensive players.
80% of famous art is made by 20% of famous artists.
80% of work done in a business is accomplished by 20% of their employees.
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and 80% of your failures come from 20% of your traits and other aspects of your life.
An easy example that people suggest is for you to name the top 20 athletes in any given sport. Even if you can name them, we’ll all be able to admit that there’s a certain… “gap in skill” between the top 4 and the bottom 16. Because that’s how the creation of success works. The same applies to failure, or anything else you create. They’re all exponetial functions. With that in mind, if you can control the key 20% of any given situation, you can start to determine and control approximately 80% of the interaction.
Can you predict it when it’s limited in this way? You’ll certainly have a better shot than if you didn’t limit the range of that 20%, but under most conditions, prediction is impossible for the average person because this 20% is vanished from their average eyes. Without magic the sheer quantity of variables starts to cloud your judgment, and the immediacy of the moment (For those situations you cannot plan for), will cover up the more obvious truths and variables.
There is a brightside to all of this though. When you’re going through my process for planning paths to success, you’ll be instructed on how to identify that key 20%, and with the help of this menu, you’ll know how to vanish both their importance to your mission, as well as their very existence from most people. Nobody can block your path if they don’t know what path you’re on, so we’ll be looking for ways to deny your opponents any targets for attacking at anytime during your rise to the top. In the case of this chapter, you need to cover up your plans with the appearance of doing something that seems to hinder it. You need to actually go through with these actions, but never finish them. Understanding that 20% of the variables are all you need, you can genuinely disrupt the other 80% of what most people would do in your plans and still come out on top. This means that your mind won’t need to overcompensate because it ISN’T AN ACT. You will be breaking certain resources for real, because you simply do not need them.
How are they supposed to catch you lying if you only ever told them the truth and acted authentically? They can’t catch you holding your punches if you’re truly going all out.
Of course, when I say “break your resources” I mean to do it indirectly by pursuing different, randomized goals, that will make using those resources in the usual way impossible, which will completely baffle your opponents. If you simply went and hurt yourself, it’d be too obvious and they’ll see through it immediately
What about this goal is more important to them than their dreams? Was I wrong? Were they actually after that goal, and not what I’m trying to defend?
This becomes even more fun when we get into swapping because then you’ll be able to break a resource, but then quickly swap it with another, more powerful one anyways, and with them having no idea how you’ve done it.
Another thing to remember is that these vanishes are constantly being applied to those around you anyways, whether you create them or not. It’s a system of errors that all humans are born with. These methods that I’m discussing, while being used offensively against others, are more about fanning the flames of deception, rather than lighting them. Our brains prefer to have easy and simplistic answers by nature. If they can come to an answer in a lazy way, they’ll be sure to stop on that note rather than pursuing a more complex, and often more correct one.
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To this degree our minds have a series of set shortcuts that they tend to use to avoid actually having to think too long for a continuous amount of time. These shortcuts have several blindspots that I intend to help you use on others, and avoid them in yourself by the end of this book. In fact, that’s the main function of this book as a whole. Learning what makes others blind is one of the best ways to learn how to see, and it’s pretty damn fun, too, especially when you use it to help yourself see better.
Because of our brain’s desire to use the laziest answer, most people won’t even question if your actions are designed to be deceitful or not. Think about it. How many times have you asked yourself if the people around you are lying? When’s the last time you were curious if the waiter actually took a couple of fries off of your plate to satiate some form of hunger? Have you ever doubted the cook in the restaurants kitchen for his cooking habits? Have you ever asked to be allowed a peak inside to make sure everything’s going well? Is your neighbor a murderer? Why were they planting shit in their garden last night?
Okay… I may have gotten a bit out of hand there, but you get my point. 😂😜
You don’t look for deception without an explicit reason because that would take too much damn effort. Instead, you allow yourself to assume that everything is as it seems. Well… as a magician, I’m going to tell you that it almost never is. No matter how much you overthink, the world is never as simple as you make it out to be. There’s just too much being vanished within your mind to find them all, during every event, in your life, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn to see more than others, and therefore be more capable of reaching your goals than others are.
Or, in the case of using vanishes, you can achieve your results without anyone knowing that you even made a move. It will seem like pure luck, like they were destined to fail against you and the world just made sure it happened. It’s hard to commit revenge on someone you don’t even know made a move against you. The more you can hide both your intentions and your actions, the less enemies you’ll make by competing, and the less debt you’ll make a friend feel when cooperating. Let them believe that the world is the one granting their wishes. Believe me, you don’t want the type of attention that comes with a miracle maker (Unless they pay you well enough. 😜).
It’s easier to be a friend than a leader.
Many leaders will try to help you reach their levels of success. The only problem is that many of them have no clue how they’ve gotten so far in life. Most of them just attribute it to “Consistent, good hard work”, and while it is true that consistency is vital to any real form of success, there are so many other factors that need to be thanked as well. There is nothing and no one that deserves to be ignored.
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Many times, leaders who have succeeded despite adversity will only list a few problematic people along the way because they truly only remember the good stuff. After all, their success, in part, comes from the fact that they didn’t let the doubters get to them. Yet, while their doubters didn’t directly choose how their words impacted the lesson, the truth is that those criticisms did still have an effect. Many times, these criticisms from others spoke of paths that should not be taken, or that the listener felt were unjustified. This is actually one of the most helpful things people can do for you. Even if their suggestions or “demands” are stupid, they still provide clarity in an otherwise chaotic world.
When someone knows the path to success better than you do, they are more likely to steal your prizes before you even start playing the game. The more they know about the path you’ll take, the more easily they can stop you from reaching your goals. After all, nobody can block your path if they don’t know what path you’re on, and nobody will consider the path you’re on if they don’t even know it exists in the first place. The clearest and simplest path to success is actually the one that is most often overlooked. This is due to to what I call “The Randomness Priciple”.
My favorite example of this is something I use in magic.
You see, if you ask someone to think of a random number, then they are far more likely to pick one that you’ve predicted. For example, if I told you to think of a random number from 1 to 10, studies show that most of you would pick “7”, but why?
Bceause you’re trying to be random.
Most of us overthinkers forget the simple fact that “randomness” does not necessarily suggest “oddity”.
Let’s walk through this. Here are your options:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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Now, when I ask you to think of a Random number, especially during a magic trick, you immediately try to think of a number that I wouldn’t consider. You try to think of something “odd”, not “random”. So to begin with we’ll only keep the numbers that have a subconscious association with the word “odd”. AKA - Odd Numbers.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Now, most of us feel that 5 is a well rounded number. It’s considered common. It’s more often used, and therefore seems more predictable to our brains, so we remove it due to it’s commonness. The same plies to number 1, and sometimes number 3, but we’ll keep number 3 here for it’s lack of commonness in comparison to 1 and 5.
This leaves:
3, 7, 9
And psychologically, most people’s brains view the beginning and ends of things as more memorable, and the center as more important. Therefore, 3 and 9 are considered too common (memorable) and 7 is considered an important number to consider.
This means that out of these three numbers, number 7 is often picked first, with the following options being 3 or 9.
So, thanks to you trying to be random you’ve actually arranged it so that I have a 33% chance (1 out of 3) as compared to the usual 10% (1 out of 10), because in your attempt to be random you have removed all of the normal options, and statistically, that makes your path more predictable. Plus, it also limits you from taking far easier paths than you’ve come up with while trying to guess the future’s chaotic ending. If you instead, don’t let the words, “Chaos”, “Randomness” or “uncertainty” clog your mind, and just act on the simplest route to your desired goal you’ll have a much easier time of getting it done quickly and easily. Don’t let randomness be the cloak that covers fate’s dagger. Fight to see ALL options, no matter how small or easy they seem compared to the grand journeys that are filled with “randomness”..
Again, leaders will list off their one path to success, but it’s the doubters and critics that have removed the limits from view. Instead of only “removing odd ones” (which is what these haters aim to do) they instead bring attention to these old ones, and add additional, though often stupid, options on top of it. In short, while you’ve been trying to limit yourself to one set goal, these haters and doubters are always forcing you to at least consider several alternative routes, which will always be better than limiting yourself to 2 or 3. The doubt they create can become a great fuel towards rechecking for more options all over again.
Again, though outwardly you can be silent, and not respond to external pressures, you should never ignore them. Nothing deserves to be ignored, not even stupid people and their hateful assumptions.
Also, insufficient leaders tend to become shallow with time. As the potent reality of “Oh shit. I made it!” Kicks in during the present, all of the hardships and struggles they had in the path start to fade away from view. The power of their current successes will cover up their past failings and insecurities.
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Unfortunately, people who succeed too often start to forget what it means to fail, to stumble, to collapse from exhaustion when that crucial day doesn’t go your way. They forget what it’s like to doubt themselves, even if they’re still capable of doubting others, and this is what gives them the worst effect on you. There are few things as crucial to success as identifying your weaknesses, and transforming them into strengths. You are the key tool that you must learn to use and reuse everyday while in pursuit of success. If this weapon goes dull, your enemies will be sure to take advantage. This includes inhuman enemies, like Greed, Fear,
Or Shame.
Just because you can’t see where your weak doesn’t mean your enemies share in such ignorances.
This creates the second, more crucial portion of this section. The idea that you can become an insufficient leader. The first step in this transformation is by succeeding in terms of Whats, but forgetting to integrate your WHOs. If you can’t feel successful, then any paths you try to teach to such satisfaction is pointless. How can you lead to the promised land if you don’t know where it is? What benefits will people receive from following the map laid out by a man who is both lost, and blind to his ineptness?
Again, when using WHOs we must remember that they will always stay the same, and thus, your true goals in life will always remain the same, even if their subcategories are changing during every day of your pursuit.
Too many people sacrifice and ignore their biggest dreams for the safety and comfort of repeating their routines; it’s their inability to admit to such dreams that throws their WHOs into a spiral. This is often done through Intellectualization as discussed in Book 1 HERE. You’re currently using several Whats, (several smaller dreams) in order to block the emotional connection between WHO you are, and WHO your dream life would be.
But alas, I digress. This is supposed to be Book 2, after all. We’re supposed to be moving on from the things you’ve already learned.
What I essentially mean to say is that smaller goals in the present are some of the easiest coversfor your lack of progress towards that one great goal from your past. You know, that one that’s been stuck aching in your heart for all these years. Chasing many small dreams will never replace the one you were destined to chase though, and if you try to deny your “destiny” (Or more accurately, deny what it is in your very nature to pursue) you will only feel inadequacies and shame in the long run.
There is a catch to this that should be mentioned though. Pursuing the perfect life for who you are is a great release from the pains of everyday living, but chasing the wrong goal, even if it’s a big one that you’ve chased for years, will only bring you more misery if it’s attached to an idea of What you could be, and not WHO you are in nature right now. Chasing after a dream decided as a way to become the most idealized you is what makes pursuing big goals so dangerous.
If you let the goals decide what kind of person you’ll be then you’ll be letting an entity with no real care for you decide what you’ll become in future. Goals have no feelings.
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Don’t chase after your dream because of what you could be, chase after the dream because you want it despite what you are, right now. It’s so easy to lose track of our roots, but if you let the idea overcome the man then you’ve simply sold your soul to the proverbial devil. WHO you are never changes. Only What you are does. Even though WHOs are not souls, they are a constant. Make sure that you’re chasing something that both your future and past selves would be proud of chasing, not just one or the other.
Take my business, for example. I’ve searched for rebellion my whole life. I’ve always been OBSESSED with doing what I’m not supposed to do, or what others say is impossible. It has hurt me on many, MANY occasions, but the thing you have to understand is that it was worth it. I’ve never felt bad about being rebellious. Sometimes hated the results, but I’ve always consider those regrets far more bearable when compared to the alternatives. For me, and WHO I am, if you ever ask me what I’d go back and change about my decisions in life, my rebellions will never be one of them. They were my best choice in the past, my best choice in the present, and they will be my best choice in future, not because they’ll always lead to logically good results, but simply because they have always left me feeling emotionally satisfied.
I’m not the type of man to share things like this, but the business that you’re seeing, and the progress you’re seeing are all the results of countless rebellions made despite the fact that I am absolutely terrified.
I have no idea how this business will unfold. I’ve written up a 10 year plan and I still have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ll tell you this: Whether it leads to Wealth, Fame, and Power, or whether it leads me to Poverty, Shame, and Weakness, I won’t regret chasing it for a second. I never have, and I never will, because THAT is what a life’s goal should be. It is the constant longing to do, redo, and obsess over doing the same type of actions, and then to tie them together with the biggest form of that action you can think of. I’ve always rebelled, and now as a businessman, I’ve started rebelling daily in order to accomplish the type of rebellions that can only be accomplished yearly. Fear means nothing when you’re in pursuit of your true purpose.
Understand, you and I both have ambitions that we haven’t reached, and some of them we never will, but I’ll be damned if I do the same as everyone else and allow you to believe that you “Don’t have enough time” or you “Need to wait for the right opportunity”.
As of now, you have no excuses, no lies to cover up your tracks. I’m not just going to teach you how to win at life. I’m going to teach you how to cheat at it. Do you know why? Because life sucks. Plain and simple. I know it, and you know it, and I refuse to let you lose this game simply because the host is a sadistic jerk. You may have a plan to succeed. The question is if you have one that you can use to succeed quickly and without the chance of humiliation.
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I spent 5 years planning for my business, and do you know what I found after I started? It was easy. In fact, the plan I thought would take 10 years only took about 3. That’s a 70% improvement over how fast I thought it’d work, and I can mainly identify one key source behind it: sleight of hand. I was so caught up in my future potential that it covered up the power I already had in the present. That’s just the power of desire. It transforms small everyday things, such as goals, into something we mistake for the tools of gods and demons. I used to tend to fantasize so much about my business that I forgot it was essential a piece of paper that said me and the government agree that this is how I’m going to make money. The rest was me, only me, doing exactly what I’ve always done everyday of my life: My best.
And now, I’m going to help you do it too.
Let me help you do what really is YOUR BEST.
Don’t settle for comfort. Strive for ambition.
Some of you may be saying “I can’t influence a whole ass audience. I can’t even influence a single person.”
That’s fine. Again, for those who didn’t read the intro to the first book, I was born with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, and Bi-polar Depression (Otherwise know and “Manic Depression”). To many people I was the type of guy they said you should NEVER listen to, but with the help of certain philosophies, and my own IQ of 157, I magically transformed myself into a person who could not be ignore, who could not be vanished any longer, because what I had to say was just too valuable.
I went from not being able to get a date until 2022, to having people giving me their phone number and asking ME out, in 2024, without me needing to say a word. People don’t just listen to me anymore. They beg me to tell them what to do. They WANT me to suggest things to them. (Much of this will be covered in the next two books).
Now, no matter what I do from this point on, and no matter what you hear from me in LE future, one fact is almost certain to be true. My old mistakes will be dug up and I will be criticized for things long since past. After all, I wasn’t always this good, and I did have disabilities that made me seem like an ass without my knowledge at the time.
But that’s where I can save you. I didn’t know how to vanish my past mistakes, and neither do you, but I’ve already developed several “performances” to help out both you and me when the time comes.
If you follow me my friends, no one will be able to ignore you because your authority will be too spread out across whatever area you choose to hold control over.
As someone who came from the bottom of social authority and has reached the top, I can tell you from my own experience, nothing and no one deserves to be ignored. I certainly didn’t, and neither do you. You’re probably not at the bottom, some may even claim that you’re at the top, but you and I both know that there’s a higher peak for you to reach, and I’ll be the one to get you there (If you let me). You’ve already spent years of your life trying to be heard and listened to, trying to become the best leader.
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Why stop now and transform those years into a waste? Let’s become a force to be remembered for years to come, together.
With this chapter alone, I’m hoping to help you realize the power of magic. My books and my coaching are designed to help you vanish anything, including your pasts, your plans and weaknesses. This allows for all sorts of fun ways to win, not just easily, but also with a sense of finesse and style due to the freedom you attain from that ease.
There are 4 main ways that cover ups can help you cheat in your journey towards your ambitions
Many magician’s cover up their intentions through a contrast in their timing. For example, when most people would tend to move quickly while pursuing a particular dream, the magician would move slowly, or even stand still, while in pursuit of the same object.
With magicians, there are three main types of timing:
• Stillness
• Slowness
• And Suddenness
This is one of the easiest contrasts to make, and one that almost always goes undetected - the contrast in your timing. In seduction and charisma this type of trick is often recommended due to its ability to heighten the emotions related to any event. Although the trick is simple, it is also highly effective, but excitement isn’t the only emotion to exist. Fear is an emotion, too.
If the rival you’re trying to beat believes that you will be acting with suddenness and speed, it may be best to stay still and make him come to you. Suddenly, all of his plans no longer work. It even begins to make him doubt himself, as his strategy is falling apart even though you technically haven’t done anything.
“Why are they not chasing after the goal?”
“Is that not actually what they wanted?”
“Is this a set up? Am I surrounded?”
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“Why would you NOT attack right now if there isn’t an offensive maneuver heading elsewhere?”
Your timing will immediately create the same sensations as any other vanish during a trick.
Mainly, it’ll make them ask:
By inspiring fear in your opponents they will make countless mistakes, and/or simply refuse to fight with you any more, just to avoid that uncomfortable feeling. You’re overwhelming them with fear. The feelings of pain that are being stirred will be far more potent simply due to the fact that they were created at an unexpected time.
The same applies when giving them positive emotions. Give your partner a gift everyday, and soon your suddenness is expected - it creates less joy. But if you only do it on random occasions, after she’s expecting you to stay still and not work hard for love? If she expects to stay in your same routines, things change. Your sudden gifts will magically have a much higher emotional effect.
In short, when preparing for your goals and while accounting for the other people involved, always cover up your plans by using the speed that they expect you to use least out of the 3 options. Anyone who has lived a decently long life has certain strengths and weaknesses that not everyone knows about. Making your timing unpredictable transforms all situations into a curtain that blinds people from when you’re acting out of strategy and when you’re acting out of necessity.
Think about it: Because you already choose to slow down or stay still at what feels like random times to them, when the time comes that your weakness is actually forcing you to stay still, and stop pursuing further, your stillness won’t be read as a weakness. It’ll merely be seen as anotherrandom choice - Something you decided, not needed. Suddenly, your lack of a pattern creates a new story in their mind, that of a formless monster who has no limits. Your unpredictability becomes your shield, as well as your sword. Too many times they’ve mistaken your choice for stillness as a sign of weakness and then they paid the price. Now, they won’t act quickly on your stillness or slowness because they’re scared of what you might do in retaliation (even when you can’t do anything).
Oh, what a powerful thing it is to lack any decipherable form.
There are three main directions during any part of life:
• The Offensive Direction
• The Neutral One
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Now, while these three are not always supposed to be used for contrast there is still something to be mentioned here. Oftentimes, the contrast created through using the opposite of these than what people expect creates a sense that you don’t rely on anyone or anything to accomplish your goals. It makes you appear more than human, and starts to create the sensation that your miracle successes are all designed and orchestrated by you, without any help from anything or anyone.
For example, let’s say that someone has started attacking your beliefs during a debate, and they’re starting to be rather rude about it. Well, most people would often get either offensive or defensive in their dealing with such a person, but if you want to seem detached, all you need to do is remain neutral. This can often be a frightening stance to take towards them, all on its own.
It creates all sorts of similar questions to those about your timing, but now it’s about your values and resources:
“Does he not actually care about his position on this matter?”
“Why isn’t he defending himself?”
“Is he so successful that he doesn’t care if someone like me doubts him?”
“Are my attacks really that insignificant to this sort of man?”
“Who the hell is this guy?”
Of course, when they’re expecting you to be neutral, it can also throw them for a loop when you actually choose a side to defend or attack. For example, many bullies are expecting the rest of the kids to stay neutral, or to defend themselves, but not many of them expect another person to attack their position for the sake of an unknown victim (Bonus points if you don’t even know their name!). When this happens they can often be thrown off balance, especially if mixed with the timing from earlier and the details from later in “uniqueness”.
Of course, if someone thinks you’re too weak and are expecting you to stay back and be defensive, they may lower their guards at first and be open to a sudden and offensive attack. In this case they were expecting you to be both still and defensive but you’ve chosen to be suddenand offensive instead which can create quite the powerful starting blow. If done correctly and repeatedly, the combination of these two lists, when done right, can keep competitors on their heels for years at a time. You can still defend your real resources, obviously, but be sure to leave out a whole bunch of tempting bait for them to attack as well, specifically so that you can show your neutrality when it happens. They’ll go and burn down whole metaphorical towns that they don’t realize you had built specfically so that they’d go burning them, and look at your calmness with fear.
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Another great use of this is to actually schedule a failure into your presentations. If something seems to go wrong during your seminars, for example, it grants you an opportunity to seem unphased and even courageous as you fight to fix this problem quickly and against all odds for the sake of your viewers. In a situation where most speakers would freeze, become defensive, or panic, you can be seen encouraging bold action, taking the initiative, and remaining calm under fire. In short, if you create the appearance of a problem for yourself, only to show off yourself fixing it with ease or even difficulty. It will do more for your reputation than simply achieving the presentation without a hitch. The key to using these forms of maneuvering is first mastering the timing of when to use each of them. Many times, it’s okay to use the form they're expecting so long as you choose it to do it in unexpected timing or presentations (Which we’ll be getting into in the next section). In the end there are 3 big pieces to any performance, whether performing on stage, in love, or in war, the key elements to keep track of are the timing, the direction, and the overall shape of the path,
and that’s where the next list comes into play.
You’ve heightened the power of each emotional punch, and you’ve hidden what it is that you value, covet, or need the most. All that’s left is to figure out how to aim the punches in a way that almost always hits your target.
There are two main shapes to any form of action:
• Bluntness
• And Blindness
Now, to be clear, it is almost always best to use both of these at the SAME TIME, while continuing to contrast with the expected speed of subtle attack, as well as the expected speed of a blunt one. It’s very important to use these speeds at the same time, while the pacing of each one - individually - may remain different. It’s much like how a tortoise and the cheetah would be able to race each other. If these two different animals can travel towards the same goal at different very speeds, so can you two separate attacks. (Give your problems a quick jab while also slowly, but powerfully, winding up to kick ‘em straight in the nuts) Your different attacks can be both slow and quick together, so long as they are truly two separate forms of attack. This doubles your chances of success because while most people are great at one form of dynamic (blind or blunt) they’re almost never masters at both. By using both at once you’ll usually find one of two options:
There still are a few things we need to note about both strategies though.
Bluntness and Blindness are often predicted by your competitors based on which one they’d have used for themselves. For example, a blunt man will often expect you to be blunt in your attacks during an argument, or a subtle flirt will only expect you to flirt back subtly during a date. The trick is that oftentimes, doing the opposite of their expectations in this category, as with the others, will also raise the level of emotions felt by the person who’s facing it, but during cases such as flirting you need to be careful using such tricks early on.
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Because too much emotion, too quickly, becomes suffocating and kills the buzz. It’s overwhelming for your partner, and they’ll start to feel it as a pressure you’re giving them to leverage out what you want. Flirting is supposed to be more like a fun game for you both to play freely. There aren’t really supposed to be needs or trophies involved, only imagination and fun. There’s a lot more to attraction than just creating a roller coaster of emotions, though that can often be an important tool. We’ll be digging more into charisma and persuasion in Book 3. (I hope to see you there soon!)
These tactics are very similar to how timing affects people’s emotions with one key difference: Blindness will often have a delayed emotional reaction, simply because they won’t know that you’re in their blind spot until you leave it. In short, blindness allows you to defend those things that you need to protect WHILE ALSO SEEMING DETACHED. When trying to choose between whether you need to be blunt or subtle, you just need to remember one thing:
You can do both.
By vanishing your involvement in the protection of those you care for, you can also vanish the fact that you value them, and therefore still appear detached. As magicians, we’re allowed to cheat. It’s okay if everything isn’t as they seem to our enemies because that’s just the way we like it. You and me, we get to play dirty, because the truth is that life is a game of cooperation. It’s not about how “you’ll win”. It’s about how “we’ll win”. Anyone who tries to turn life, and survival, into a competition deserves to lose. You are the kings and queens of a new age. And your kingdoms will be built on the ignorance of your doubters and their hate. All of your people, those you love and care for will be welcome here, and placed in such a way that when you win, they will all win.
And that’s why this site was built.
With the techniques from this book, you’ll be able to vanish, not just how you defend yourself, but also the fact that you defended yourself AT ALL. This opens up many gateways, again, because others won’t hold a grudge or seek revenge against a person they don’t realize has bested them. It’s absolutely true but there’s even more!
They won’t be able to tell what you truly value or what your weaknesses are because they won’t know that you had defended such weaknesses or had to adapt at all. It will just seem like their own bad luck. Maybe someone else who hates them comes in to defend it “by coincidence”, “Out of spite”, or so on. The key is that you will seem impenetrable, even though no one ever really is. There are few things that matter as much during our battles in life as our appearances. If you appear to be a target that isn’t worth fighting, or that seems to have the devil’s luck, nobody is gonna want to face you. And in the end, whether by fear, destruction, or compromise, the best defense is to have no enemies. So, be blunt with those who expect you to be soft. Be soft with those who expect you to be heavy, and most of all, be unique to the point of being, “an enigma”.
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The more exits you have in any situation, the more confident you can be. People who have an easy exit have nothing to fear from the room they’re in, not even a bomb, so long as they can escape quickly and suddenly.
The truth is that there are many people who believe that they’ve been trapped in unbeatable situations, when in reality, the exits were simply hidden within their minds due to the vanishesand cover ups their brains are so used to using. What’s unique about your position is that you’re now able to see these exits AND cover them up from others. Not only will you have every reason to be confident, but you will also have the ability to make it so that no one else knows why.
This gives you a godlike presence, as it feels like you know about a hidden miracle before anyone else does (and in fact, YOU DO!). By keeping this miracle exit to yourself however, you make your survival in such situations more powerfully connected towards building a larger than life reputation. This reputation can often be used and reused in later chapters. WHO you are will now be associated with the WHOs behind ideas of “Stoicisim”, “Charisma”, and “Leadership”. This makes people long to be near you simply due to the fact of What you seem to be offering them. Again, every WHO contains several Whats, and if you have these very powerful WHOsthen you seem to own many powerful things (like skills and abilities).
People who lead can’t just be confident though, because if that’s all you have people will eventually realize and leave. The trick to use, when it comes to cover ups, is not just to hide your valuables like we’ve done so far, but also to uncover connections between our bad circumstances from one goal, and see how they’re linked with the accomplishing of another.
For example, when I was in college a few years back, I had an English class that I was taking. I eventually ended up getting a bad grade in it. You see, I wanted so desperately to get an “A” in order to show off how ready I was to give a speech and write my own scripts and bullet points, spoken like a true professional, yada yada yada (I had already taken a public speaking class). The problem was that it was looking like I was about to get a “C” which wasn’t going to look well on my “seminar resume”. So what did I do? Did I ask for a withdrawal or look for some deal with the professor?
I simply aimed for an “F”.
The way I saw it, the point was simple: If an “A” represented my approval from the colleges, then an “F” would be seen as their disapproval, and therefore create a perfect backdrop for my classic sales angle: “Nothing and no one deserves to be ignored.” Now, in my speeches I aimed to discuss how even a “grade ‘F’ student in English” could still be eloquent and powerful in his wording. I also figured that my aiming for an “F” would make a good story. (Though, I suppose that one’s up to you, now isn’t it?😜 What do you think? Comment down below!)
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My point is that getting an “A” would have made selling tickets to my seminars easier, but getting an “F” would make them more memorable and therefore a better sales tactic for me and my business outside of speeches in the long run. When an item, action, or situation seems to be blocking your path towards one goal, that often proves that it has the strength to open the path for another. Never get so stuck focusing on one part of your plan that you forget the rest of it. All items can fit into your vision eventually, so long as you use your creativity and time wisely enough. A great example of this is a rival or enemy.
Starting off, many people try to avoid having enemies or rivals towards their new goals, but this is oftentimes a big mistake. Believe me, you’re going to end up with enemies anyways. It’s better to obtain them on your own terms while you still can. Second, having an enemy makes for great publicity. The second you start to argue with a great philosopher, many people will instinctively put you on the same level as them, and even if it’s proven that you’re not right now, you’ll still be seen as the underdog. Everyone loves a good redemption arc.
Everybody loves a comeback.
You can always lose, so long as you don’t end on a loss. Besides, having a big enemy or problem to go up against makes it so that whatever you're selling has its own form of legitimacy and clarified purpose. If you just wanted to sell sweatshirts, people would ask, “Why should I buy from you?”. But if you’re selling sweatshirts that spread awareness of an important cause, or against some systemic problem in the world, things change. Now they know why they need to buy from you. It’s so that the problems don’t get out of hand. It’s not in service of your business, it’s in defense of a worthy cause.
Of course, this doesn’t just apply to business either. You, yourself, can be the solution to a problem, the only man standing between a corrupt tyrant, and their goals to make others feel small, for example. Whatever enemy or problem you choose, make it big, make it important, make it emotional, and watch as your ordinary life is now covered up by the extraordinary message with which you stand for.
This brings us full circle and reminds us of one simple truth: This is the cover up chapter on vanishes, not the “contrast up” chapter. All you need is something of a higher intensity than the others. It just so happens that the easiest way to cover someting up is to do so with an item of higher intensity, because, of course, the thing you can see will always have a more potent impact on your senses than what it blinds you to. But contrast is a much easier way to identify when such a vanish has occurred, as differences of any sort leads to a bit of contrast and therefore an incorrectly large idea of difference within our minds (Go back to the different tempature water bowls if you need a refresher).
The trick is to identify what things are affecting you most in a situation, like what thoughts you’re having most, and to take a clear and concentrated look at their opposite. Oftentimes, the opposite will seem around about the same size in intensity. During these moments your brain is probably working fine, but when they seem small… Well, perhaps they only seem insignificant because of their contrast to the intense significance of what you’re viewing, and in such a case the item you’re focused on may be appearing larger and more important than it actually is.
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It’s a beautiful system because people who understand vanishes don’t need to waste time on faulty or oversimplified assumptions. Nobody deserves to be trapped in a painful life, and it hurts me to see that so many people believe you need to “grind” and “work hard now in order to be able to relax later”. The truth is that there’s always an easy path, and many times it’ll be morally acceptable, too. Nobody should have to suffer today in order to succeed tomorrow. In a world with as much technology and resources as we have today, relaxation should be considered a human right, not a privilege.
By hiding your involvement in controversial concepts (Somthing that we all will need to do during our lives today - after all, almost everything is considered controversial now), we become able to move more freely and without many enemies. We also get to protect our values as nobody will know if you even have values for them to attack. This frees up much more time to simply relax and enjoy time with those you love. Not only that, but by being able to unvanish things, you can spot the easiest paths to success, and assume leisurely, calm walking pace. Remember my friends, magicians will always be masters of their own timing. This means that we have several strategies for allowing us the choice between these main 3:
• Stillness
• Slowness
• And Suddenness
Meaning that we will always have tactics for allowing you to remain still and still succeed, or to move slowly and still succeed.
Of course, choosing the right timing will mean that success will come earlier than if you chose the others, but that’s not to say that you won’t be able to afford a few mini-vacations here or there. Perhaps you use a vanish to disappear from the world for a bit, just you and the family. Maybe you teleport ahead for a second so that you’re in a position to relax while your problems are catching up with you. In the end, covering up your tracks like you’ve learned in this chapter means that you leave no trail behind, and so many obstacles will get lost in the woods behind ya! After all, if you erase the path behind you, the only set way to go is forwards. Camp out when you like. Nobody’s gonna find you anyways.
The best part is that you don’t need to camp out alone either. The more you’re allowed to spend time with those you love in life, the more we can say we made your life worth living, because nobody should have to progress in life alone. That said, betrayal will always be a possibility, as the most dangerous part of betrayal is that it comes from those you trust, and not the ones you doubt. Luckily, you can always vanish the path between the two of you as well, and leave them in the dust. Just because they knew where you camped once, doesn’t mean they know where you’ll camp next.
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People only tell secrets to those they trust, and if you’re brave enough to reveal those secrets then I admire you enough to make sure you won’t regret it. In a world as prejudiced as the one we have today, I feel that the concept of trust deserves a higher merit than the ones for those who only doubt. This site is deigned to let you love freely, be loyal, and not have to suffer the consequences of someone else’s bad choices. Besides, just because they know you’re secrets, doesn’t mean anyone will believe them - not if you vanish them well enough and seem detached when people attack them. If you seem to hold no value to the doubts being spread, why should people trust that they have anything to do ith you?
Even better, like with the bait we used before, you can always share false or unimportant secrets with your friends first, completely covering up your more cautious mindset with a contrasting appearance of absolute honesty and innocence. Nobody doubts the honesty or sincerity of a blabber mouth. After all, if they don’t know how to hold their tongue, what secrets could they be keeping, really?
Cover ups are all fine and dandy, but other types of vanishes, such as camouflaging them amidst a barrage of truths (such as the paragraph above me is stating, hiding a lie among a pile of facts), can be just as effective. If someone catches you using one method, you will need to switch to another. Selfish people shouldn’t be allowed to rule the world, and ours is already getting corrupt enough as it is. We can’t allow someone to rig this game just because they’re smart or influential. Whether its at your work, with your family, near your friends, or somewhere else, you cannot allow the selfish and entitled the luxury of ignoring those in need, or the facts that they wish weren’t true.
Because nothing and no one deserves to be ignored. Not even you. Not even your family. Your friends. Your enemies. No one.
Let’s be honest: in terms of our communities and cultures, the game is rigged. The people on top want to stay on top, and they often do so by vanishing key facts that they don’t want the public to know. You, on the other hand, won’t let them. In due time, the careful ruses and facades that people put on around you in everyday life will appear… childishly simple. Why succumb to these amateurs of magic, these… influential con men, when you know their own strategies, PLUS MORE! I’m so tired of watching those who deserve more in life get pushed to the sidelines just because others don’t bother to pay attention. I hate watching you get cast out into this corrupt world alone simply because you’ve been vanished from the public view.
Most honestly, I’m tired of being alone, of being the only one who has these talents and isn’t afraid to use them. Help me, help you, save the world… even if it’s only the world within your own backyard.
In a world where the rules are already broken as hell, it won’t hurt to break them a little more.
In a world like this, you need to cheat, in order to save yourself,
As well as everyone else.
Good luck.
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