~ The Clearly Unclear ~
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Let me ask you this: If you wanted to live a peaceful and easily prosperous life, how many enemies would you need?
The answer is easy, isn’t it? The best defense is to have no enemies. You don’t need to put in a lot of work to build up strength, walls, armies, and resources as a defense, if nobody is coming to attack you. That begs the question, though, in a selfish world, how do you make it so that you have no enemies?
In our world, people always act in their own self-interest. That’s not an evil thing to state. It’s just how it works. This doesn’t mean that you need to fight every day, though. People will occasionally succumb to their temptations of greed and envy, but if you don’t tempt them, even by accident like you’re doing now, then they won’t want to attack you because there’ll be nothing to gain. What good is going to war if victory earns you nothing? If there’s no prize to be interested in, self-interest can’t trigger envy or greed. With this in mind, the solution is simple. Don’t fight to defend your shiny gold and beautiful kingdom whenever someone grows tempted. Just don’t tempt them. Hide your riches and all the roads leading to those riches. If your kingdom is unknown to those you don’t trust, then those you don’t trust can’t steal from or attack you because that thought will never even cross their mind. After all, who’s going to put their all into stealing from a poor man? Who’s going to attack a person that they don’t even know is there?
As a magician, I know how to hide things. I hide them very well and can keep them hidden for as long as I like. This is the essence of “Vanishes”. In here, I will be showing you how to hide the things that you wish to keep hidden and safe, even mental or emotional things, as well as how to spot the secrets and true natures of everything around you. This knowledge is vital to have for several reasons.
When you're missing knowledge on how things vanish, you limit your view of the world to only the things that are shoved down your throat. Ultimately, nobody can become exceptional without first allowing themselves to be an exception. If you want to be above average, you must first break the average rules. Most people allow their minds to limit them without ever trying to push its limits to the furthest edge, meaning they cannot reach for the furthest success. An average mind will always lead to average results. Only by breaking free of the limits can you become a truly extraordinary specimen of nature. These limits can be seen in all of the great opportunities that pass people by daily. Again, there are eighty-six thousand and four hundred seconds in a day. At least one of those seconds was likely a golden ticket and a way out of that easily escapable life you have right now. Yet, you keep missing them. Why?
Because that's what an ordinary mind does, it looks for ordinary things, not extraordinary ones. If you want to vanish from an average life, you first need to learn how to vanish at all.
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Of course, you won't be able to vanish from here and then reappear over there instantaneously, though you can make it look like you did for a more godlike appearance. As you're stuck, currently living a life that is alright at best and depressing at worst, you’ll need to gather resources to help keep yourself safe while you're here and for the few seconds of transition after you finally achieve your dreams. Trust me, it takes a bit of time for the reality to set in that, "Yes. You made it.", and while you're gathering your strengths, you'll also need to learn how to hide them. If you leave your gold around here and there willy-nilly, sitting on the side of the street, someone will come along and take that shit without any regard or concern for you, your well-being, or your life. So before you vanish you, you'll need to vanish your goods. True treasures will always disappear. The only question is, "Who gets to keep them once they're gone?" and if you don't know the secrets of vanishing, the simple answer is, "Not you."
The ability to see many more opportunities is what led me to where I am today and allowed me to become as successful as I am right now. It can help you, too. The secrets of magic can open doorways for you that you've never thought possible, and it can close those same doors on your enemies.
When only you see your treasures, that means that only you can use them. Luckily, magic makes it so that your treasures can be hidden in plain sight. This means that you can keep your emotions, thoughts, plans, or literal treasures on your person without anyone knowing they're there. The metaphorical weapons and shields I'll give you on this site will become infinitely stronger when adding the potion of invisibility to the mix. You could hold a loaded gun, and no enemy would know to defend themselves.
Aside from that, on your journey to the top, people will inevitably see your rising moment and feel threatened. These people will emerge, and when they do, they'll stop at nothing to keep you either at the level you're at right now or to destroy everything that you've already built. The sad truth is, it's probably both. You must give them no wiggle room and no targets. You'll need to vanish their opportunities to hurt you, as well as hide what path you're on to success. If you can't hide your methods, you won't get far in this world because people can be selfish and selfish people will always take more than they could ever give. This includes taking away another person's ability to progress. If they can see where you're headed, or if they can spot any weakness, you're a dead man. It is best to hide your goals, methods, and weaknesses while you still can.
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Of course, if someone is catching on, you'll know before it's too late because they won't be able to hide it from you or vanish it from within your mind. Plus, with the number of strategies I'll be laying out in this book, you can switch methods, and they'll become blind again. This book is made to be loosely adaptable to many situations, so if one trick isn't working at the time, you can switch tricks in that very second and still succeed with ease. Everyone who buys these books will be able to see through everyone who hasn't bought them. These books are available to everyone, but only 50 members are allowed access the extra content at any given time (View The Live Laughing Package for more details), because those who have MASTERED these strategies will be able to fool those who have learn them, without mastery. To this extent, the power games among our members will follow remain the same for you as before you had read this book. Those who implement our power games best will remain on top. Like with any learning, there will always be someone better than you. The beauty of this study and topic is that there will always be many, MANY more below you, whether they like it or not.
You can learn these secrets while trying to build a secret kingdom and a safe space for those you love. Your newfound capabilities have the foundation to transform mental power into real-life momentum towards a goal, and those who believe in the same goal or that can be protected by its reality will be better off for your speed at achieving success and getting it done.
You cannot bring attention to a worthy cause without first having attention on you, and with the knowledge of how things become vanished and ignored in life, comes the power to make thing unignorable and unquestionably attention grabbing. You can drag a self-loathing friend’s mind back to items and thoughts that will make them feel more confident again. You’ll be able to reveal key pieces of information that went missed by a friend who feels like their world is ending. With the ability to close the door on people’s awareness comes the ability to unlock the doors as well. For the friends that you know who’s minds have been caged by their own emotions, mental errors, and other obstacles, you can unlock the cage and set them free. You can raise your friend’s mental powers to new heights with a simple magic trick.
And when you need to be left alone and relax, you can because you’ll make it so that no one will find you until you want them to. You can make the deadlines and daily worries vanish from your mind, putting yourself into a peaceful, almost meditative state. As someone with a limited social battery, this has always been very useful for me.
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This all boils over into the biggest downfall of lacking magical knowledge. If you don't know how to outsmart your enemies, including the many tragedies of the world, then you will not be able to protect the progress, potential, and safety of your friends. Being able to break the ordinary rules means doing extraordinary things, and a good leader is, by their very definition, extraordinary. You have a choice between being as perfect as possible and as normal as possible. Most people fight to be both perfect and normal, either by being perfectly normal, or normally perfect. This is a fool's errand.
Because, at the end of the day, perfection ISN'T NORMAL. Another word for normal is average. Another word for average is boring or mundane. It's predictable, and it's a cliche, but the big problem here is the first part:
"Another word for normal is average."
Being perfect, or being as close to it as possible, isn't normal because being normal means acting like the average person, but that limits you from ever being above average. You cannot be both above average and just average simultaneously. That is impossible, and people follow leaders; people trust their leaders because they are considered experts in their fields. Leaders are considered "Above you," and therefore, so long as you are "at least average," all good leaders must be "above average." If you do not know SOMETHING unique, and if you do not contain some exception to your more normal nature, you will never be able to fill in essential positions, such as being a pillar of strength or being an influential leader during tough times. Your friends won't be able to depend on you if you only have the same strength as them because that means that you'll be needy too when the time comes. Magic is a secret art, and as a bonus, it's also considered nerdy. Few people study magic, and even fewer than that know where to start looking for a more applicable form of magic for everyday living.
You've already missed many opportunities in life. This is unavoidable. The truth is that you will continue to miss many more, but with the help of wishful tinkering, the amount of future vanishes will be limited down massively, and into as few as we can help you make them. The fact still remains that you have missed MANY opportunities in the past; of this, I have no question. This can be due to many things: perceptual blindness, displacement, sublimation, reverse causation, incorrect correlations, and so much more. Your brain hasn't been wired to seek out and find extraordinary things because it's never been taught unusual thinking methods. Again, a mind that plays by ordinary rules cannot develop extraordinary results.
This means that you have been unable to gather the necessary resources to become above average, as your mind has only ever been looking for average resources to achieve what you want. Still, an ordinary defense is a vulnerable defense. If the thieves are equally as smart as you, then they can steal from you. If the tyrants are as strong as you, they will be able to block you from what you want, and if the envious crowds are equal to you, then they can take away your pillars of support without any real fear of retaliation.
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Believe me, I know. I've been used and abused before as well. As you should know after reading my first book, I was born with autism. This means that my mind started out below average in certain spots, let alone average, and yet I've risen to the exact peaks I've always wanted: Wealth, Fame, Power. It wasn't always easy for me to make progress, though. I hadn't really developed a formula for success until much later on, during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, and just a little bit before.
In my early life stages, I couldn't read a single social cue. You could have been listening to me with your forehead in your palm, your eyes closed and drooling, and I would have thought that you were wholly entertained by the story that I was telling. This often led to me being very frustrated by my own limitations. Limitations that I was born with and that contrasted heavily with some of the more prejudicial assessments that people would have on the first encounter.
I understand what it's like to feel like you have no power in life, or at the very least, to feel like you have no way of acting on that power. It's painfully frustrating to know that you were destined for something more by the world and that it's simply the people in it that make your life so difficult. In truth, however, we must remember that one of the people most relevant to your failures in life is yourself. When it comes to people getting in your way, everyone is doing so, but in terms of the word “everyone”, we must acknowledge that you are included in that analysis. You are still a somebody, even if everyone else treats you like a nobody. Whether you're being ignored or not, you exist, and you have the power to make that fact known to the world. This book is not designed to give you power; it is simply here to help you "unvanish" the power that was already inside of you by embracing the unexamined escape routes that are already in your life and teaching you how to capitalize on them.
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The best, most fun, and DEFINITELY most amusing part of all of this is how shocked everyone around you will be. Again, we must keep in mind that your path to success will be a vanished one. It'll be a magical one, and the way magic works is for the whole act to seem mundane until the big reveal. This means that everyone in your life, even as you're making huge strides towards success, will still be viewing you as you were, just alone and helpless, while in the meantime, you'll simply be laughing because you and I will both know that you've become anything but ordinary and that now, you are anything, but trapped. The best part is how instantaneous your success will seem. You'll be like a sort of movie hero, from rags to riches, and seemingly overnight. At least, that's what everyone else will see.
I was able to escape. It was only because I got lucky, but I escaped. I now know the path only because I was lucky enough to stumble on it by accident, but if I can lead you to freedom through these unusual means, then all of my pain will have been worth it. So please, keep in mind in your heart of hearts that you can be and do whatever you want in life, no matter what. After all, I was born with many limitations, but I've overcome them all, and for the most part, I did it ALONE...
The more you use this sleight of hand, the more you can maneuver through life quickly and easily. Mastery comes through a practicing use of these items, and since you need to use them anyway to survive, I see no reason why that can't be a plus. You can apply these methods to any plan and any action. The results will always be more accessible when doing so. You'll be traveling down invisible paths on your newfound journey to success, and that creates power. After all, how can anyone block your path when nobody even knows what path you're on?
Of course, even on an invisible trail, there will be stumbles and rough spots, but as you feel your internal weaknesses, you can at least rest in knowing there are no external ones. You can vanish your signs of distress, pain, or weakness at any and all times. This means you will always be seen as confident and capable, even when you're not. As a leader, you can hide your worries occasionally, making it more impactful when you finally open up to someone. Yet, we must remember that the reverse is also true and can be very beneficial at different times. For example, you can appear non-threatening when meeting new people because your confidence can be hidden to show a polite sense of humility, and your strengths can be hidden during a friend's moment of vulnerability to show them that they are not alone.
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The inability to hide secrets makes for the biggest fools in life. After all, we wouldn't be able to label them poorly if they just hid their foolishness. Everyone has made many mistakes, and they have many weaknesses. Still, while everyone else is trying to fool you and failing miserably, you can seem a master of yourself, even while things fall apart right before you. Nobody will know when to criticize or condemn you because they'll never know that you did anything wrong.
All this is to say that you can make a more convincing facade when dealing with others, but even more importantly, it means that you'll understand how facades work and how to see through them. If you know how to vanish, fake niceties and subtle power games will become clear. No one can hide their true intentions from you if you know how things become hidden. Hiding the truth behind one's actions is the very definition of magic. If you master magic, you master secret-keeping, and if you master secret-keeping, then liars will no longer be a threat because all lies are designed to hide the truth. In short, all lies are designed to keep secrets, and if you're dealing with a true magician, that task is impossible.
This doesn't just apply to understanding the secrets of people. It can also help you see through some of the most critical secrets in our world. If you can spot the vanished patterns of cause and effect, you can start to see the many possible outcomes of any and all situations. Vanishing allows you to see further into the future and more clearly, too. Of course, we must remember that the future is clearly unclear and that you cannot predict the actual future 100% of the time. In preparation for real-world magic, success doesn't come from always being right. It simply comes from always being prepared for when you're wrong. If you can spot all of the ways that things can go wrong (An ability that is made far easier when knowing how to spot the number of vanished outcomes), then success will happen for you far more frequently.
The future is excellent to know for when you're designing a new plan of action. Still, the best way to ensure that a new plan will go well is to measure and assess the flaws of your previous ones, and many flaws go unnoticed when a plan fails because... well, if they hadn't been vanished from your mind, then you wouldn't have gone through with the faulty plan, now would you have? Sometimes, even during reflection, our brain's natural tendency towards specific paths can leave us with cognitive flaws and biases that would be better removed. Vanishing can help you spot those past errors and biases as a way to start erasing them in your present and defend your potential for a brighter future.
While others are stumbling blindly towards their goals, you will walk peacefully and easily because you'll be allowed to see where you're going. Even if things start to seem tricky, you'll be able to see many more exits and escape plans than everyone else. When shit hits the fan, and shit will hit the fan, you will always be able to get out with the least amount of injuries out of anyone, whether you planned ahead or not. Even better, these techniques will help you to set up escape plans ahead of time anyway, so the former style of escape will rarely be necessary.
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When people argue with you about your visions for the future or what you believe to be true now, you can spot their conversational weaknesses and flaws and capitalize on them during arguments. In short, you’ll be able to spot the critical hit zones in a debate, no matter how much your opponent may try to hide them. When people try to make things personal or focus on emotional manipulation rather than logical evidence, you’ll be able to see through it in an instant and quickly shut down any psychological sneak attacks that may come your way.
We were all once blind. That’s just how we’re born, but it doesn’t mean that we have to stay that way. Through this site, we will be able to create a safe haven for those that we love. This website is our newfound kingdom. The website exists to prove that just because people don’t often work together, it doesn’t mean that they can’t. It doesn’t mean that WE can’t. With the help of the internet, meeting like-minded people and uniting for a cause has become more possible than ever, and it’s the groups with the most unity that last the longest in this world.
The truth is that it’s usually very easy to steal from, or attack a blind man. It’s much harder to take from a man who is both intelligent and aware. The same can be said of a blind group, such as our country. We cannot allow for our blindness to make many others go poor. That’s why this menu is designed to help us become more aware of both, our surroundings, and of ourselves. With your newfound senses, you will be able to see in real life what others could only dream of, and then you can help them see it, too.
One man cannot defend the entire world from the tragic rules of reality. This business cannot function with only an author. I cannot protect you all alone. So, once you have purchased my membership, and once you begin to use these methods effectively, I ask that you spread the love, not with my site, but with my knowledge. Try to help others with what I have taught you. These principles have been kept a secret for at least a century (and most likely for way, WAAAAAYYY LONGER). As of right now, generally (speaking to my audience), only you and I have this knowledge, and so only you and I can use this knowledge, and this protection, for the rest of the world. Help me defend our world from ignorance, willful or otherwise, and against the prejudices that come with that ignorance.
The more you read this menu, the less full of secrets the world becomes. Your next chapter is just around the corner. Now is the time to take a look. Either way, though, whether you read it or not, I will see you on the other side. The only question is
Will you?